Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
Well fellas I just got the call me and the wife have been waiting for all week! We got approved for the trailer park right next to my work!!!!! Gotta lease it for a year then have the option to switch over to rent to own ! Its a 2016 I was very interested when I saw the porch!! Fucking awesome cannot wait to dip out this apartment! The backyard even backs up to a big ass school field so we know nothing will be placed behind us! So stoked
Any room for an air conditioned 'shed' out back? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well fellas I just got the call me and the wife have been waiting for all week! We got approved for the trailer park right next to my work!!!!! Gotta lease it for a year then have the option to switch over to rent to own ! Its a 2016 I was very interested when I saw the porch!! Fucking awesome cannot wait to dip out this apartment! The backyard even backs up to a big ass school field so we know nothing will be placed behind us! So stoked
Sweet dude, put up a yurt for growing..
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Well-Known Member
Thanks @Or_Gro and @StickyBudHound
Pretty freaking exciting to have an actual grow room. Now I just need to get everything dialed in. I believe all I have left to do is get my filter setup in there.
Hopefully everything goes good. I have some little plants on the right side but wanted to get the whole room going. Wish me luck!
I wish you don’t need luck....


Well-Known Member
Were shopping for a house right now based solely around if it has an “area” I can quarantine off (you guys know how stealth I can be) and use as a minimum 4x8 grow area.

Built in drip systems. Built in drain system, extra large external (or underneath) res. RDWC all the way 100%

Hopefully I can procure even MORE space than that

Still looking


Well-Known Member
Were shopping for a house right now based solely around if it has an “area” I can quarantine off (you guys know how stealth I can be) and use as a minimum 4x8 grow area.

Built in drip systems. Built in drain system, extra large external (or underneath) res. RDWC all the way 100%

Hopefully I can procure even MORE space than that

Still looking
I hear 10x11's are all the rage! :bigjoint:

found a pic of @WeedSexWeightsShakes room about 3 months from now :weed:


Well-Known Member
Were shopping for a house right now based solely around if it has an “area” I can quarantine off (you guys know how stealth I can be) and use as a minimum 4x8 grow area.

Built in drip systems. Built in drain system, extra large external (or underneath) res. RDWC all the way 100%

Hopefully I can procure even MORE space than that

Still looking
we'll be looking next year and when we do i'm looking for a room inside a room inside a basement. that way people can go into the first room and see a normal basement, "and the 'hvac and other stuff' is behind that wall" and no one expects to go any further into the basement.

or we build a house and intentionally add a secret room to the floor.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
we'll be looking next year and when we do i'm looking for a room inside a room inside a basement. that way people can go into the first room and see a normal basement, "and the 'hvac and other stuff' is behind that wall" and no one expects to go any further into the basement.

or we build a house and intentionally add a secret room to the floor. a floating country, and grow it in any room...


Go b2w and make it bud or fanleaf make the rules in your country...


Well-Known Member
Be careful. close to school Steve.

Wondering about that southern ag too. One garden store by me has a southern ag garden fungal stuff. Wonder if it’s that stuff you guys use.
Probably is . Heard it’s super concentrated. Not sure if I should do 1 ml a gallon .


Well-Known Member
How much souther ag do you use per gallon

I do 1mL per gal....see if that works for worried about too little, not too much....

If you compare hg vs gff, the concentration of goodstuff microbe is ridiculously higher in gff. I add 1ml (after adjusting pH) directly to each bucket daily without root infection or observable overdose....

Great price advantage compared to hg, too.
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