Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
one person that we haven't heard much about in quite a while is Allen Weiselberg, CFO.

i would have to assume Mueller passed him off to SDNY or NY AG re: Trump Org crimes.

i'm guessing Mueller was infuriated when BArr was hired as he knew that all of his hard work would nver lead to any indictments of a sitting DOTUS.


Well-Known Member
Mueller's report specifically says Trump obstructed the investigation into Russian interference in our election. .
No it doesn't. Citation please.
It says he committed the crime of obstructing the investigation.
No it doesn't. Citation please.
Charges of obstruction of justice by Trump are written in the Mueller report:

“Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations"

"The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.”
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Well-Known Member
Charges of Obstruction of justic by Trump are written in the Mueller report:

“Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations"

"The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.”
GOP don't care as long as the black dude is gone and hillary isn't president.


Well-Known Member
GOP don't care as long as the black dude is gone and hillary isn't president.
Trump is driving the GOP over a cliff. More than half the people in this country say they believe Trump is guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. There is no way for GOP to win back the confidence of the majority. All they can do is hang on, hoping Democrats commit an own goal, while their power recedes election after election. In 2018, they lost the House. In 2020, they will lose the Presidency. By 2024, their hold on the Senate will be over.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Trump is driving the GOP over a cliff. More than half the people in this country say they believe Trump is guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. There is no way for GOP to win back the confidence of the majority. All they can do is hang on, hoping Democrats commit an own goal, while their power recedes election after election. In 2018, they lost the House. In 2020, they will lose the Presidency. By 2024, their hold on the Senate will be over.
Let's all hope so, keep up our guard and vote Democrat in every election


Well-Known Member
Trump is driving the GOP over a cliff. More than half the people in this country say they believe Trump is guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. There is no way for GOP to win back the confidence of the majority. All they can do is hang on, hoping Democrats commit an own goal, while their power recedes election after election. In 2018, they lost the House. In 2020, they will lose the Presidency. By 2024, their hold on the Senate will be over.
it's gonna take one more generation to get rid of the old white people that vote GOP.

the thing that's gonna kill the Dems is AOC and Barnie with these plans that are way to radical and have no way of being paid for without massive tax raises. like Barnie's plan for Medicare for All, what happens when every skyscraper in every city shuts down because the insurance companies are now defunct? and you ask a Repub and they think they wont' be able to fly on planes because of AOC in 2 years.


Well-Known Member
it's gonna take one more generation to get rid of the old white people that vote GOP.

the thing that's gonna kill the Dems is AOC and Barnie with these plans that are way to radical and have no way of being paid for without massive tax raises. like Barnie's plan for Medicare for All, what happens when every skyscraper in every city shuts down because the insurance companies are now defunct? and you ask a Repub and they think they wont' be able to fly on planes because of AOC in 2 years.
In 2011, the ACA was almost universally reviled. By 2017, Trump's Congress couldn't couldn't shut it down. Today, Republicans in contested districts won't even talk about repealing the ACA. This just goes to show that while most people are conservative, they resist change but attitudes can change over time. I've always seen the ACA as a bridge to universal coverage. I don't really understand why insurance companies are in the health care business anyway. Medicare is a popular program too.

AOC could not have won in most districts that only lean Democrat. She beat a complacent opponent in the primary and no Republican has a chance in her district. I'm not sure she can win then primary in 2020, we'll see. But I think her Green New Deal or whatever its called, while it isn't going anywhere, it is not doing any harm just by being posted as a non-binding resolution.

It might not take a generation to see the end of GOP strength in office. By 2030, old white Republicans will be outnumbered by non-white people and millennials. Neither group are receptive to right wingers like Trump and Mitch. If your point is we'll see lots of change back and forth between now and then, I think that you'd be right.


Well-Known Member
They are all facts.

You do know what that means don't you?
That's what I thought. I'm not even in the U.S. and I know more than you about your government. I literally LOL'd when you said the Congress (legislative branch) can indict someone.

No wonder your Country is so messed up.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. I'm not even in the U.S. and I know more than you about your government. I literally LOL'd when you said the Congress (legislative branch) can indict someone.

No wonder your Country is so messed up.
I'm sad to hear that Canada has people who are stupid, ignorant and unjustifiably confident like the right wing nuts we have in the US.

Maybe you should slow down and sound out the words:

Article 1 of the US constitution, section two, states: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers;and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Impeachment is the term used when a government body indicts a sitting official.

Your kind are always making up definitions to words that have other meaning in common use. So I have to ask. When you use the word "fact", what do you mean? Clearly when you use that word, you aren't using the word as it is commonly used.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. I'm not even in the U.S. and I know more than you about your government. I literally LOL'd when you said the Congress (legislative branch) can indict someone.

No wonder your Country is so messed up.
did you know paul manafort lied about sharing internal polling data with russian spies?

that's collusion


Well-Known Member
Impeachment is the term used when a government body indicts a sitting official.
Please cite one instance of Congress impeaching someone . . . where it was referred to as an indictment. Impeachment is a political act by Congress. Indictments are done by law enforcement via the Executive branch. Two completely different acts done by different entities, with different outcomes.

No wonder your Country is so messed up.

Hell, show me a quote from anyone in Congress that ever said they can indict someone.


Well-Known Member
Please cite one instance of Congress impeaching someone . . . where it was referred to as an indictment. Impeachment is a political act by Congress. Indictments are done by law enforcement via the Executive branch. Two completely different acts done by different entities, with different outcomes.

No wonder your Country is so messed up.

Hell, show me a quote from anyone in Congress that ever said they can indict someone.
did you know that wikileaks asked don junior to have his dumbass daddy tweet about wikileaks, and ten minutes later he did?

that's collusion


Well-Known Member
Cool. Not according to Mueller. I'll take his word over yours.
see, i list all these cool facts about how trump colluded with russia and all you do in return is lie and cry and kick your dog while yelling at your mommy to make you a pop tart

do you think that is why no one likes you and you are not convincing anyone of your lies?


Well-Known Member
see, i list all these cool facts about how trump colluded with russia and all you do in return is lie and cry and kick your dog while yelling at your mommy to make you a pop tart

do you think that is why no one likes you and you are not convincing anyone of your lies?
Sorry, but I disagree with you. Is that allowed here?


Well-Known Member
Cool. Not according to Mueller. I'll take his word over some uneducated loser on a weed forum.
i'm looking at the report right now and it never says no collusion. it actually lists many acts of collusion, including 100+ secret meetings with russians

if you're not too busy being a virgin or making a new email account for your next sock puppet account after you get banned yet again, can you please point me to where mueller said no collusion?

page and paragraph please, kiddo



Well-Known Member
i'm looking at the report right now and it never says no collusion. it actually lists many acts of collusion, including 100+ secret meetings with russians

if you're not too busy being a virgin or making a new email account for your next sock puppet account after you get banned yet again, can you please point me to where mueller said no collusion?

page and paragraph please, kiddo

The report speaks for itself.