The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


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Joe lays it on the line, Donald watches this too...
Joe To President Donald Trump: You Can Call Out White Nationalism | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The president on Friday accused Democrats and the intel community of attempting a coup in the form of the special counsel's investigation and said he didn't need a gun to fend it off. Joe Scarborough reacts to Trump's remarks and to new reporting on the NRA.


Well-Known Member
I think these poll numbers are baked in, a few more can be convinced to dump Trump before the election as congressional hearings continue. If yer one of the 55% who doesn't like Donald yer unlikely to change yer mind and you are most definitely likely to vote in 2020, turn out is expected to be historic and that's never good for the GOP.
Majority In Poll 'Definitely Would Not' Vote For Donald Trump In '20 | Morning Joe | MSNBC
A majority of voters 'definitely would not' vote for Trump in 2020, according to a new ABC News/WaPo poll. 28 percent of voters say they 'definitely would' while 14 percent would consider Trump.


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William Barr is in deep trouble
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 10:52 PM ET, Tue April 30, 2019

(CNN)Attorney General William Barr did two strange things between the time he received special counsel Robert Muelller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and when he released it to Congress and the public.

The first came on March 24 when, two days after receiving the Mueller report, Barr released a four-page summary letter in which he made clear his conclusion that the report found no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians and that Mueller hadn't made any recommendation as to whether President Donald Trump should be charged with obstructing justice.

The second came on the morning of April 18 when Barr, with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by his side, held a press conference to reiterate those findings -- in remarkably Trumpian language -- 90 minutes before actually making a redcated version of the report public.

On Tuesday night, those two moves came into far sharper -- and more troubling -- focus when it was revealed that Mueller sent a letter to Barr on March 27 expressing concern about the ways in which Barr's summary document described the evidence surrounding obstructive behavior. Mueller did not make issue with any of the factual statements in Barr's four-page letter but rather the lack of nuance on obstruction -- and the resultant media coverage, according to CNN's Laura Jarrett's reporting.

That revelation creates a series of problems for Barr -- most notably that he appeared to be, at best, misleading in his answers about Mueller's feelings about his summary of the report.


Well-Known Member
I watched just a few minutes of Barr testifying to the Senate, but I couldn't take it any longer. Liar. He knows he won't be impeached, so he can lie according to his dear leader's wishes. History will not be kind to Bilbo Barr. With televised hearings, public opinion will change and impeachment proceedings will commence. I mean really, if not now, when? If they don't, then there's no reason to check any president for any crime, or misdemeanor. That's plain wrong.


Well-Known Member
I watched just a few minutes of Barr testifying to the Senate, but I couldn't take it any longer. Liar. He knows he won't be impeached, so he can lie according to his dear leader's wishes. History will not be kind to Bilbo Barr. With televised hearings, public opinion will change and impeachment proceedings will commence. I mean really, if not now, when? If they don't, then there's no reason to check any president for any crime, or misdemeanor. That's plain wrong.
I'm hoping that when Mueller and Rosenstein testify it will blow the whole thing up, then the real shit storm will begin. Facts do change some minds, as for others, nothing can change them other than getting personally fucked and even then they will blame someone else. Most of the electorate are "independents" and that's the group who are turning on Trump and those are the people who can be persuaded. Independents and conservatives who hate Trump, like Biden best, besides Joe is white as snow and Donald is an off orange color...
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Well-Known Member
Watch ten minutes of Sen Whitehouse make Bill Barr squirm, he's slippery and he's sleazy. So, Barr is suppose to be working for the government eh? This guy is outraging every respected legal professional in America and is finished in the profession, if he's Trump's lawyer, then maybe he should be paying him, because he's defrauding the American public and betraying his oath of office. Perhaps a senator might might want to go through Barr's oath of office with him, word by word...
WATCH: Sen. Whitehouse asks why Barr did not disclose Mueller letter earlier
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., asked Attorney General William Barr during a committee hearing whether he could have made public earlier a letter from special counsel Robert Mueller in which Mueller expressed concerns with Barr's initial summary of the report. The letter from Mueller to Barr was dated March 27 but was not made public until Wednesday, shortly before Barr's testimony.


Well-Known Member
Sen. Kamala Harris is a real bitch! Looking to get some attention for her presidential run helps with motivation and as a former prosecutor she knows how to turn the screws. Another 8 minutes of Bill Barr twisting in the wind, if he keeps this up Donald will end up putting him in an orange or perhaps yellow (as in house jail) jumpsuit. Now that would be something to see, AG Barr, up from the congressional dungeon in a yellow jumpsuit testifying before congress on TV!
WATCH: Barr says he did not review underlying evidence in the Russia investigation
Attorney General William Barr said he did not review the underlying evidence in the Russia investigation before deciding there was not enough evidence to charge President Donald Trump with obstruction of justice. In response to questions from Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Barr said he accepted the statement made in Mueller’s report “as the factual record.” “We did not go underneath it,” Barr said.

“Did the president or anyone at the White House suggested you open an investigation of anyone?” Harris also asked. Barr asked Harris to repeat the question -- saying he was thinking about the word “suggested” -- before saying he did not know.


Well-Known Member
Sen. Kamala Harris is a real bitch! Looking to get some attention for her presidential run helps with motivation and as a former prosecutor she knows how to turn the screws. Another 8 minutes of Bill Barr twisting in the wind, if he keeps this up Donald will end up putting him in an orange or perhaps yellow (as in house jail) jumpsuit. Now that would be something to see, AG Barr, up from the congressional dungeon in a yellow jumpsuit testifying before congress on TV!
WATCH: Barr says he did not review underlying evidence in the Russia investigation
Attorney General William Barr said he did not review the underlying evidence in the Russia investigation before deciding there was not enough evidence to charge President Donald Trump with obstruction of justice. In response to questions from Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Barr said he accepted the statement made in Mueller’s report “as the factual record.” “We did not go underneath it,” Barr said.

“Did the president or anyone at the White House suggested you open an investigation of anyone?” Harris also asked. Barr asked Harris to repeat the question -- saying he was thinking about the word “suggested” -- before saying he did not know.
Fucking beautiful, a real prosecutor making the hobbit babble!


Well-Known Member
Best tongue lashing yet and a good summary of events... Just a small taste of the fireworks yer gonna see, the shit storm is beginning.
Sen. Hirono Lays Into AG Barr | MSNBC
"The American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrificed their once decent reputation for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office," says Sen. Hirono to AG Barr in a contentious exchange.
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Jerry Nadler: William Barr won't testify because he is terrified
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said that Attorney General William Barr, who is no longer expected to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, is "terrified" at having to face the committee. #CNN #News


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Nancy Pelosi: Not Honoring Subpoenas Is Obstruction Of Justice | MSNBC
In a press conference, Speaker Pelosi discusses AG Barr's Wednesday testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and President Trump's unwillingness to cooperate with subpoenas.


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William Barr's Master Class on Hair Splitting
Stephen attempts to capture the substance, nature, and context of William Barr's incredibly hard-to-watch testimony.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Watch ten minutes of Sen Whitehouse make Bill Barr squirm, he's slippery and he's sleazy. So, Barr is suppose to be working for the government eh? This guy is outraging every respected legal professional in America and is finished in the profession, if he's Trump's lawyer, then maybe he should be paying him, because he's defrauding the American public and betraying his oath of office. Perhaps a senator might might want to go through Barr's oath of office with him, word by word...
WATCH: Sen. Whitehouse asks why Barr did not disclose Mueller letter earlier
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., asked Attorney General William Barr during a committee hearing whether he could have made public earlier a letter from special counsel Robert Mueller in which Mueller expressed concerns with Barr's initial summary of the report. The letter from Mueller to Barr was dated March 27 but was not made public until Wednesday, shortly before Barr's testimony.
is that Mr. Douglas from green acres?


Well-Known Member
is that Mr. Douglas from green acres?
He looks a bit like Eddy Albert, but thinner. They sure had Barr on the ropes, I can see why they'd have to drag him to the house kicking and screaming, and it might come to that! I think Rosenstein's testimony will be real interesting especially if he shows up with a brief case full of notes he made about all the Trump meetings he had. Mueller and his people are plenty pissed and are now in direct contact with the dems in the house about testifying, this shit storm is gonna blow wide open over the next month. Donald is gonna need a war to distract from all the fall out, I hear the weather is nice in Venezuela this time of year...
Reports: House Judiciary Speaking Directly With Mueller Team About Potential Hearing

The House Judiciary Committee has begun discussions directly with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team about a potential hearing with Mueller, rather than dealing with the Department of Justice as has previously been the case, NBC News and ABC News reported Thursday afternoon. Both reports cited an unnamed source familiar with the conversations.
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Well-Known Member
I think I know why the house is carefully following the rules and law in this matter, they want to win in the courts and enlist a straight arrow like Mueller. Since he follows the evidence, is a professional and a patriot, and according to the regulations can go directly to congress, he will. Trump can't stop Mueller and his people from testifying.

The trouble with Trump's delaying strategy is it will bring out things closer to the election and in the meantime it makes them look like shit. Some people are gonna say screw you and testify anyway, challenging the administration to get a conviction or even into court. There will be envelopes full of leaked documents and whistle blowers showing up in congress soon.
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Well-Known Member
I think I know why the house is carefully following the rules and law in this matter, they want to win in the courts and enlist a straight arrow like Mueller. Since he follows the evidence, is a professional and a patriot, and according to the regulations can go directly to congress, he will. Trump can't stop Mueller and his people from testifying.

The trouble with Trump's delaying strategy is it will bring out things closer to the election and in the meantime it makes them look like shit. Some people are gonna say screw you and testify anyway, challenging the administration to get a conviction or even into court. There will be envelopes full of leaked documents and whistle blowers showing up in congress soon.

Keep the investigation mood music playing right through the election cycle.

Trump's stubby fingers were all over the Meuller investigation which was why Mueller had to document everything and turn the work over to the Democrats in the House. Trump has no power over the Democratic-controlled House investigation. His ability to get to witnesses and order them to lie will be hampered. Keep the pressure on the people involved in the cover up and something is likely to come to light.


Well-Known Member
Love the punch line at the end...

William Barr Pulls A No Show On Congress
Something was missing from William Barr's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. And that something was William Barr.


Well-Known Member
Keep the investigation mood music playing right through the election cycle.
Since Russian interference is an ongoing issue the Democrats should investigate until labor day 2020, right until they go home for the election. If the level of Russian inference warrants it Pelosi should call and emergency session of the house to investigate ( set staff to work) on the spot during the campaign with daily press conferences. Most of the democratic members of the house committees won't need to campaign that much anyway in 2020.

With the unprecedented level of obstruction we are seeing the SCOTUS won't be long in intervening. As the investigations continue Trump's behavior and actions are gonna get more extreme, there are an awful lot of bad TV days ahead for Trump. I figure it will be Trump who will push the envelope until he is checked and removed. If he loses by a landslide in 2020, there will still be trouble and claims of a fixed election, what he does between losing an election and the inauguration and jail will be desperate and dangerous.

Nancy Pelosi is the best person to deal with Donald, she will run circles around him, she needs to retire soon, but this fight is her's and she is the one to deal with Donald, after 2020 might be the time for a new speaker. I think even the people who wanted to replace her now recognize that she is the best one equipped to do in Donald
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