Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

New CBD production plant opening in my area.

How does one inquire about a job for something in pre production like that? I’ve contacted the pharmacy group but unsure who else to contact. Maybe the president of the pharmacy group....? Lol
Making the best money I ever have at my current job but would take a small pay cut for a better potential career opportunity
i just grow for me and my wife and after just 4 grows i'm sitting on 2 pounds of excess flower - with 4 new plants in coco lol
Does Mrs Schmeb help with the grows? My wife is WAYYYY better at doing a good trim than I am lol

We just grow for us as well. I still have about a pound of Crimea Blue left - hoping to have 1+ lbs (preferably 1.5lb+) of LibHaze in another few weeks. Then comes no growing for a couple months while we get some work done on the house... (New grow room coming soon...)
Does Mrs Schmeb help with the grows? My wife is WAYYYY better at doing a good trim than I am lol

We just grow for us as well. I still have about a pound of Crimea Blue left - hoping to have 1+ lbs (preferably 1.5lb+) of LibHaze in another few weeks. Then comes no growing for a couple months while we get some work done on the house... (New grow room coming soon...)

For the most part she lets me handle operations and she takes care of the cleanliness aspect. In seedling mode (before they get set up with the manifold drip system, I spend more time because I'm checking their coco water levels, making sure PPFD is right, checking for nute burn... Probably 20-30 minutes a night with the little ones.

I spend on a normal evening about 5-10 minutes in the garden once they're in full flower because of the full automation at that point. Pump runs at 6pm and 2am for double feed by way of a smart switch, lights are on smart switches with their own schedules. AC Unit is on a smart switch that also has a kill-a-watt built into it so I can see how much the AC is consuming. humidifer is hooked up to a hygrostat set to 60 RH - so the room is persistently trying to humidify to 60 (it's a basement).
Wow the help must be nice . I just ask if the temps are good when I’m at work .

iceman if you got $25 you can pick up one of these and have a webcam you can monitor from your phone:

the app is free - streaming is free - if you want to save to the wyze cloud i think they give you a 1 month subscription

and it's 1080p so the girls look fine in there - but 1080p is not fine enough to really see nute burn clearly or anything like that
iceman if you got $25 you can pick up one of these and have a webcam you can monitor from your phone:

the app is free - streaming is free - if you want to save to the wyze cloud i think they give you a 1 month subscription

and it's 1080p so the girls look fine in there - but 1080p is not fine enough to really see nute burn clearly or anything like that

And, you can figure out why she only has time to check temps...
Clyde just got Like 50 free samples at a grow convention!!

Including Mammoth P! 2 bottles! And a FULL line of nutes from the guys who make drip clean

Got like 4 t shirts too

what a haul!!

3 bags packed full of samples! Except that one company who gave me like $300 worth of shit cuz I told him who I was. Seemed friendly like he had heard of us? Idk it’s like he couldn’t talk about cannabis tho
Clyde just got Like 50 free samples at a grow convention!!

Including Mammoth P! 2 bottles! And a FULL line of nutes from the guys who make drip clean

Got like 4 t shirts too

what a haul!!
View attachment 4327404

3 bags packed full of samples! Except that one company who gave me like $300 worth of shit cuz I told him who I was. Seemed friendly like he had heard of us? Idk it’s like he couldn’t talk about cannabis tho

You know how to score...
Clyde just got Like 50 free samples at a grow convention!!

Including Mammoth P! 2 bottles! And a FULL line of nutes from the guys who make drip clean

Got like 4 t shirts too

what a haul!!
View attachment 4327404

3 bags packed full of samples! Except that one company who gave me like $300 worth of shit cuz I told him who I was. Seemed friendly like he had heard of us? Idk it’s like he couldn’t talk about cannabis tho
Thanks for telling me something was going on lol