Don't stick your ph pen in pure RO WATER!! It can damage the probe over time. There is no salt or metal ions to react with the hydrogen, better to put some minerals in it first, that will give you a more accurate reading. Bubba can chime in too, he uses RO. I used to but it became too much work so I switched to tap water run through a Boogie Blue plus filter. Nectar fam uses fullon for this.....kinda pricey, but a 1/2 ml would get something to react in the water. The quick and dirty way is to throw in a tbs of EWC, stir and let the natural humics and minerals create bonds in the water so you can get an accurate reading and a ph around 6.8. So when you added those couple bottles, you were able to get a better reading but all those bottles are neutral ph so won't drop the ph to where you need it but RO ph can go way up or down with a few drops of Hades or Oly....don't fret, work with what you have and you will find what works best for you....DIAL IN.... When I was using RO, I didn't start using it till plants were more established and I needed to mix more feed water. So like you did, used spring water on seedlings the first 14-21 days. This works best with myco fungi innoculation too because fungi doesn't like RO WATER....Its dead water and carries zero electrical charge for the fungi to communicate through and form relationships with the plant and the other microbes the fungi rely on to thrive. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with RO, except the waste, and like all aspects of a good grow some dialing in to be expected. Bubba can get his 2 cents in too, and I bet Scott has fielded this question a zillion times!!