Question about magic mushrooms


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I got my first ever lot of mushies and I'd like to grow then into some more but the online guides are WAAAY to complicated so I'd just like to know, if I crush one, put that in water and water it into soil, will the spores have any chance of taking off?
Mushrooms are not plants. Doing what you suggest will likely not work simply because you offer the Spores no more favorable environment than you offer any ine of ten thousand competitive contaminants
You need spores. You can't just grind up a dried mushroom and get it to grow. You can find spore syringes online.
I get a kick out of this "I dont really want to do the work it takes to understand and become an friend of the fungus, injustice want to dump spores in the ground" coming on a site that has spend millions of words teaching people how to grow pot.

I cant imagine "I like marijuana, cant I just toss a seed in some sand and wait?"

Do the work, it's worth it, you will master the art of dealing with the invisible.

Join makers of cheese and wine and beer, orchestrate the microscopic world to do your bidding. It builds character and aligns the mushroom in your favor.
See if you can get fresh ones from your connection. The spores fall down when the cap opens up, so try to get a few with the cap intact. {or buy spores on line}

The kind we have down here in NW Florida grow in grain fed cow shit. When I would find some, I would bring the shit to the house and over time I had a good 'shroom farm going. Still easier to just go out and collect from the pastures.
See if you can get fresh ones from your connection. The spores fall down when the cap opens up, so try to get a few with the cap intact. {or buy spores on line}

The kind we have down here in NW Florida grow in grain fed cow shit. When I would find some, I would bring the shit to the house and over time I had a good 'shroom farm going. Still easier to just go out and collect from the pastures.
That makes sense lol but I'm in Australia I don't know if they grow wild here, as for fresh ones these dried ones are the first I've ever seen they are very rare here. They are whole caps just dried would that still have spores or no?
See if you can get fresh ones from your connection. The spores fall down when the cap opens up, so try to get a few with the cap intact. {or buy spores on line}

The kind we have down here in NW Florida grow in grain fed cow shit. When I would find some, I would bring the shit to the house and over time I had a good 'shroom farm going. Still easier to just go out and collect from the pastures.
Also how do you distinguish psychedelics from poison when you go out the pastures?
Also how do you distinguish psychedelics from poison when you go out the pastures?
Here in NW Florida they look like a breast, in shape and coloration. The edges are creamy white, and darkening to the tip like a nipple. And when the cap pops, there is a little purple ring on the stem. Plus they always grow in grain fed cow or horse shit. There are ones that look like them, but they grow in dirt.

Kind of like these i found on Google.


No idea what kind you have in your neck of the woods.
Make a friend in a country that can have spore. Yes, Australia has it's own species of very potent little mushrooms but you cant just get someone to tell you what they look like. And no dont risk buying them, I hear your country is tough. But spores are microscopic and can be sent on a tiny piece of paper in a get well card.

There are indeed spores in your cap. But I suggest you learn sterile technique and do your best to get a strain growing from that cap. Especially if they are as rare their as you say
Here in NW Florida they look like a breast, in shape and coloration. The edges are creamy white, and darkening to the tip like a nipple. And when the cap pops, there is a little purple ring on the stem. Plus they always grow in grain fed cow or horse shit. There are ones that look like them, but they grow in dirt.

Kind of like these i found on Google.


No idea what kind you have in your neck of the woods.
I think I just ordered that lmao are those golden teachers?
Yeah they grow wild in aus :) golden tops and blue meanies.
They seem to like growing under pine trees in the moist needles.

They look like the pic above, except with a blue ring around the edge.
After picking they turn more blue.