What is the reason for the "planty" smell after lights out?


I have three rooms, a clone/mother/veg room and two flower's. I'm sealed up have negative pressure in each one, carbon filters, 2-3x the needed exhaust cfm and intake, that's all good. But I have always wondered why, more so in veg I've noticed, that I can smell that "planty" smell just after lights out for about 5-20 minutes. Now bear in mind I have all my exhaust running into a main room in a basement and that slowly gets sucked outside with a non-filtered exhaust. But I never have smell issues, only the lingering smell of buds after the grow room doors have been opened for some time especially in mid-late flower of course. This is just the plant smell like your fingers have after removing leaves. It is noticeable immediately after lights out and sticks around mildly for 10-20, then nothing.

Not an issue, just want to know. I can only find a few threads on this issue but no real answers. Anyone? :peace:
My plants also do the same thing at lights out. Again the smell doesnt linger for a long period but i also want to know why