Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

I've ran both. I prefer nugs for outdoors, nebulas for indoors.

I have these 5 autos, 6 maybe soon. I'm deciding what I want to do lol. I'm going to see how they start growing out, but I'm going to get aggressive with 2 to see what these things are really made of.

Good to here nebulas seems like I can keep it smaller and more compact than super spread out like nugs.
Looks great man. You’re maintaining that stupid leafy pheno a lot better than me. It’ll frost up good though. Show a pic when I get home. I’ll take a pic also the phenotype I think everyone would/should be seeking with these beans. But kinda hard to tell what you’re gonna get with these autos till late in the game.....

I’m really liking what’s going on with them. I’ll definitely keep running autos in my small tents. Actually gonna get a bunch of sour crack beans so I can harvest autos twice while I harvest my photos once.
I sure hope lol. Fuck so far the DWC sounds easier than this hempy set up!! Lmao. I know it’s not but still it feels that way.

Wait till they start drinking 2.5 gallons of water per day.... ugh

@iceman2494 im good bro! Think I got my old house set up to be sold...

Only thing is... might have to sacrifice my GSC plant mid flower :/ guy wants to buy in 30 days.

That’s just Long enough to finish every plant BUT GSC :/

Lame but worth it...

I have a supreme basement setup to use the second I feel like building my enclosure down there :)