The Ultimate Growing Competition

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Well-Known Member
I had 2 shit grows with CFL's and blurples that were ginormous learning experiences. I found a forum like this that was not critical of the unknowing ;). I was waiting for my ex to officially be my ex, then got busy with life and whatnot and bought me a house about one year ago.

I was in the house for about 2 months before I had the first grow room ready, and have been growing reading and learning since about June of last year with quality non bag-seeds.

I have expanded to keep a rotation going, and since Christmas have been harvesting about every month.


Well-Known Member
Still haven't tried regular clones, but have harvested 2 monster-cropped clones and one in the oven. After those, I am back to seeds for a while. More predictable, easier to manifold, and easier to get a variety of smoke.

I have also settled on using a manifold (main-line) technique, at least at the beginning, from here on out. The fact that it breaks up the apical dominance of the plant (big center-cola) better than just topping and leaving limbs everywhere produces a better 'whatever' you do after that.


Well-Known Member
I like the sand idea, and have a few jars of white 'craft' sand, hermetically sealed that I inherited (unknowingly) from the ex ;) Another reason I keep everything.

From what I have read, I don't know if the perlite (or anything the gnats can crawl through) would be beneficial as is. Since I hand water, I usually end up with a layer of perlite at the top after a month or so (floats up). And I regularly let my soil dry, and it did nothing to have dry perlite on top.

That said, perlite (or something) that is soaked in and impregnated with something anti-gnat might work great. By flower my plants have a carpet of roots right under the perlite. The tops die off just like the stuff that grows through the bags. Anywhoooo - there is protection between the live roots and something placed on top of the soil, as long as you don't water it in.

So in theory, you could actually use something rather harsh if needed. Soak the perlite in whatever, then drain it good. Put that on top of the soil between watering's, then remove it before the next one. Any thoughts? o_O I believe it only takes about 3 days to break their breeding cycle.

I am thinking that this could lean more towards an oil (neem, some organic tea?) that is pungent with anti-gnat stuff. but I am new to this.

For what it's worth, this is the kind of discussion I was hoping for when the damn competition started LOL
Soaking the perlite might have potential but that's above my pay grade, the guys in the organic section might have some thoughts on that.

I like layering the DE with perlite to try to keep the DE from clumping.
Perlite may not stop the gnats but it probably creates a less pleasant environment. :)
My goal is to make them miserable in as many ways as I can.
I also use sprays with essential oils in both veg and flower for adults when I have it.

I only use neem in veg as it is systemic and can make the buds harsh if used during flower.
I feel the use of neem in veg stopped a couple of thrip attacks I had in the past year. I saw the tell tail sign on a leaf a couple of times and removed the leaf and had no problems following a neem treatment.

I just added sticky traps to all of my plants in flower.
I get 20 packs from china through ebay for $.45 a sheet.
That might change with the new tariffs IDK.
I cut each sheet into 7 or 8 pieces and line the inside of my pots with them.
They tend to last 3 weeks before the gnats dance on them and fly off lol.
Quite easy to cut new ones and replace the old ones.
100_1296.JPG 100_1299.JPG


Well-Known Member
Other than showing off bud-porn, has anyone ever seen this before? Look at the 2 half-leaves on the lower part, with the nug in between.

At first I thought a leaf had ripped in half, but they originate from 2 different levels on the bud. it's like each one grew a half a leaf, or something grew in between the stem and split it. Weird.
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Well-Known Member
Dyna-Gro showing an odd micro-nute deficiency, either boron or manganese? Waiting on word from customer service because I haven't seen this one before. But overall she's healthy and the flowers are getting plump.
I look forward to hearing what Dyna-Gro says to you about the plant.

When you say customer service do you mean contacting them outside of the comp or hearing from them here in this thread?


Well-Known Member

I look forward to hearing what Dyna-Gro says to you about the plant.

When you say customer service do you mean contacting them outside of the comp or hearing from them here in this thread?
I emailed the same person we emailed about the contact info. It had a "@dynagro" email address, so someone should get back to me. It's an odd bronze/copper color on the edges of the leaves. If it was close to harvest it's a really pretty color... But it ain't ;)

If I don't hear back, it's a micro nute of some sort and most likely a deficiency rather than an abundance, so it shouldn't take much of whichever nute it is to correct the problem. If I don't hear back I'm bumping the next feed % up to see which direction that takes it.


Well-Known Member
If I don't hear back,
If you haven't heard back yet, I apologize, and am saying this here because imo, and is way overly complicated for me, now imagine Dave on it. Dave and I have to use Outlook for our mail client for some reason.
This is how your pic showed up to me in my inbox:
I'm not saying it is you, I know it is Outlook getting back at me for that huge argument we had about 18 years ago.
If you pm pics to Big Perm. I can get them and use my personal email to get them to him.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't heard back yet, I apologize, and am saying this here because imo, and is way overly complicated for me, now imagine Dave on it. Dave and I have to use Outlook for our mail client for some reason.
This is how your pic showed up to me in my inbox:
View attachment 4331698
I'm not saying it is you, I know it is Outlook getting back at me for that huge argument we had about 18 years ago.
If you pm pics to Big Perm. I can get them and use my personal email to get them to him.
Thank you.
It's just the one pic. I can try to figure it out, just never saw this before. Figured that since it happened only on the DG plant, it might have been something you guys saw before. Maybe an additive not included in the sample pack that I can make up with something I have on hand.IMG_9103.JPG
Won't let me PM Bob Ross, but here's the recent specifics.
The rest is in the e-mails. Watered yesterday, added 5ml of mag-pro to 3/4g of R/O. pH 6.5 in and out, ppm 387 in, 456 out. Been feeding at 75%since first 50% feed, and the ppm on those has been in the 1000 range both in and out. so based on the last watering and the plump flowers she's eating well, just needs a multi-vitamin
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Well-Known Member
Yup! Thanks for looking! That's the two crappy pics I found too LOL
It resembles both a Mn abundance or a B deficiency, but looks most like the #3 note on Boron. Since I've been easy on the feedings I am leaning towards deficiency - so Boron makes sense there as well.

This pic was from 5/9, and it doesn't look any worse now, so it may already have been addressed last feeding?

Unless stuff goes sideways quick I'm not doing anything for 3 days, so input is welcome.
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