What did you accomplish today?

too larry

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I cracked a rib coughing, I'm not happy about it. I haven't felt pain like this in my life, it hurts to breathe. Currently have a wrap around my ribcage.
Ouch. I've done that. At least I pulled the rib away from the muscle coughing. A shot at the ER and a beach towel tied as tight as I could get it was the only relief I could find. You learn not to cough when your throat tickles too.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Pretty sure I cracked a rib coughing, I'm not happy about it. I haven't felt pain like this in my life, it hurts to breathe. Currently have a wrap around my ribcage.
I've busted ribs both front and back plus split my sternum, none of which feels good & it takes what seems like forever to heal. Not much you can do above what you've already done other than 800 mg of Ibuprofen & a heating pad.

Hey, I read that as an honest olive branch.
Did I not get it right?


Well-Known Member
securing my old job for now so i got some sort of income rolling in. bosses are fairly nice, work is easy as shit. pay sucks but it's under the table would still be making more money then i did at the sushi place. it's close to my house as well 5-10min drive max usually drive is longer in the afternoon when i get off but it's meh.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
I've busted ribs both front and back plus split my sternum, none of which feels good & it takes what seems like forever to heal. Not much you can do above what you've already done other than 800 mg of Ibuprofen & a heating pad.

Hey, I read that as an honest olive branch.
Did I not get it right?
No. Wrong.

Pm me pls. Curious abt something.


Well-Known Member
so i just did something that was a LONG time coming. i finally quit that sushi job. was just sick of being worked like a slave and getting yelled at for other peoples mistakes nor learning anything new because i was always forced to work on the sushi bar. also found it unfair that they have been making me do all the prep work before i finish with little to no help and the dishes yet when i come in to relieve someone else nothing is done. all that tied to shit benefits and shit hours and pay.

$12 an hour for that work wasn't worth it. could literally be a dish washer get paid $13 else where. in the end it's kind of burdens me because i have no income now but at the same time it's motivation to get a new job faster. i feel like it worked out for me because i got no car right now anyways and it's better for me to leave no when jobs are open due to summer season lots of people hiring compared to after summer. ontop of that i've already applied at quite a few places this morning 2 of which are not even a 20minute bus ride from my house and are pretty upscale. if i can land either of those 2 jobs i will be extremely happy because if i decide to leave i can say i have a more fine dining related experience. regardless where i work at now it's simply just an upgrade.

Do i regret my decision? not really it's overall beneficial for me in every way long term. only regret is not having a job offer before leaving. done this way too many times to know. just going to be applying at more jobs until i get a few interviews/offers and then get right back on it.

basically going from $12/h to at least $15/h, better benefits like PTO, free parking ( depending where i work if not free parking at least

the yellowing is what giving me OCD but yea im just like fuck it i feed um give um water and light they are doing fine so was just like fuck it let them do there thing
They have this Asian dude at the one supermarket we support who just makes sushi... One day I saw people return some of the sushi, now I just shout at him to stop making raw sushi, when I walk past... I have never bought sushi from him.

the little fucker is now learning how to speak Afrikaans quite well too.


Well-Known Member
They have this Asian dude at the one supermarket we support who just makes sushi... One day I saw people return some of the sushi, now I just shout at him to stop making raw sushi, when I walk past... I have never bought sushi from him.

the little fucker is now learning how to speak Afrikaans quite well too.
How quick does he learn? Does he know any key, highbrow, negotiating phrases yet?

"Naaiers" Fuckers / Whores
Doos Cunt
Fok jou! Fuck you!
Ek gee nie 'n moer om nie I don't care a damn
jou ou naai you old hore
Etterkop! Pusshead!
Fokof Fuck off
nigger kaffir
Gaan naai 'n koei Go fuck a cow

This would seem to be particularly useful to indicate a deal is not likely to take place.

in a jar. lol

google pussy in a jar at your own peril. :bigjoint:
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Virtually Unknown Member
yea that what my friend just told me i totally forgot about that. he didn't know his credit score i think he just knew it wasn't great and wanted to see the monthly costs for a ball park figure. plus he wanted to compare new cars to used ones for pricing wise. weird though how some new cars are almost as cheap as some used ones at around 30-34k miles.
Credit Karma and Credit Sesame both will give you Equifax and TransUnion scores,(free).


Well-Known Member
were you just sick with a cold or anything? make sure you don't have pleurisy.
I was and that's what caused the coughing. I remember the exact moment it happened, I was sitting at the dining room table and turned to cough away from everyone, I was twisted funny in my chair when I felt a pop/crack and what felt like someone stab me in the side. It started getting better over the last few days but then it happened again last night, felt like I re-cracked it. I'll probably go in tomorrow and have it checked out.


Well-Known Member
How quick does he learn? Does he know any key, highbrow, negotiating phrases yet?

"Naaiers" Fuckers / Whores
Doos Cunt
Fok jou! Fuck you!
Ek gee nie 'n moer om nie I don't care a damn
jou ou naai you old hore
Etterkop! Pusshead!
Fokof Fuck off
nigger kaffir
Gaan naai 'n koei Go fuck a cow

This would seem to be particularly useful to indicate a deal is not likely to take place.

in a jar. lol

google pussy in a jar at your own peril. :bigjoint:
Some of those can get you prison time here...

But yes, he learns from the other workers so he knows some low brow language, no doubt.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Happy mother's day to all of mom's and mf's hope it's a good one.
I'd forgot. Today caps a week long, town wide yard sale in Damascus VA. Next weekend is Trail Days. Hiker Trash will outnumber residents by about 2 to 1. Wish I could be there.

Another late night/early morning for me. I'm getting too old for this shit. There will be down period this afternoon where I should be able to get a nap. I'll be too late getting off work to camp tonight.


Well-Known Member
They have this Asian dude at the one supermarket we support who just makes sushi... One day I saw people return some of the sushi, now I just shout at him to stop making raw sushi, when I walk past... I have never bought sushi from him.

the little fucker is now learning how to speak Afrikaans quite well too.
lol yea depends where you live i know a lot of people hate sushi they don't like raw fish. working at the supermarket making food and a restaurant is different work styles though restaurant workers have to be fast. with my boss he is pretty much yelling at you 6 hours of the shift every single day saying "DO THIS DO THAT!" WHY YOU NO DO THIS!, WORK FASTER!. he once told my coworker "why are you so lazy! look at him ( me ) he works hard. next day that coworker quit. he's not as strict as some japanese chefs i worked for but he is up there lots of people can't work under that type of pressure eventually they loathe going to work especially if there is nothing there for them like pay. everything was actually great until 2 of the managers at my location quit then we were forced to work with my boss and thats when everything went downhill people quitting like flies every single month 1-2 people leaving.

my friend and this guy i was working with works at whole foods. i know my friend is fast i used to go to culinary school with her and worked with her she can manage her own but the guy naw he is so damn slow he is doing things at his own pace and despite it looks good he's making customers basically wait 20+ minutes for a single roll that takes 2minutes tops to make.