the DOW hasn't gained a point in 18 months now

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No gains? I can tell you don't invest.
I can tell you have an inflated opinion of your ability.

The Dow hasn't gained a point in 16 months. About the same can be said for other indexes. I pointed out that your idiotic spin of "we match the highest point set 1 year and four months ago" is stupid. Almost a year and a half of no gains for the overall market isn't all that great. Also the high back then was set on Obama's economy, not Trumps.

Go ahead and spin that. Then sit on it.
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You seem to really care about this sock nonsense. I thought you established I was MMG. I had to Google that and came up with all kinds of stuff. Then I learned it was someone here.

Very confusing. Maybe if you spent more time looking for ways to find a solid job and be less broke, you wouldn't worry about fictional socks online.

Are you at work today? Good for you if you are. Be Best.
Keep relaxinginusa, sock!

Be less boring and defensive ya racist loser
Keep relaxinginusa, sock!

Be less boring and defensive ya racist loser
No, no, It's a girl and she is just in another state. Schuylaar knows all about her you dumb man.

Have you noticed that Schuylaar forges relationships with the best people? Like her intimate relationship with a serial pimp and her long time relationship with a 31 year old janitor who still lives in his mom's basement?
It's both gained and lost points.


Way to spin it dude. Almost a year and a half into Trump's economy and the smart money says we aren't growing enough to justify their investment into us. Why don't you make us all laugh by picking the low set in December 2018 and telling us how great things are today. Please do that.
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