Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Ladies already got some color. It's been low 40s last few nights, supposed to be 34 tonight. Just took some cuttings, though I don't think they'll be bothered. It's been raining and windy, so shouldn't get a frost. Those purple stems should clear up tomorrow. Supposed to be a heat wave lol.




Well-Known Member
To many times I’d like to admit .
Me too.

I remember seeing Clyde freaking out about being gone for a week and I remember there being bad times where I wouldn’t open my tent for a week lol. Plants wilt as shit. Dirt an inch from the pot gap. They always come back once established. Getting them there though..... fucking irking me lol

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Did w ml each . The res for the sh was way higher . Adding the nutes the sh came out to 150 . The bh was lower ppm and it came out just at 44. Minus my ppm of plain res on both . Idk if I should just stay put on those readings ? They both got the exact same dose .
So you did one ml each in both res, but one came out to 150, the other to 44... is that right?


Well-Known Member
My bad just smoked first time today . What I did was take my original ppms in res and subtracted it by my res ppm with nutes and got my number .


Well-Known Member
So you did one ml each in both res, but one came out to 150, the other to 44... is that right?
No .
Bh ppm was 146 to start and after nuteswas 190 . Sh started at 193 after nutes at 243 . This is Ph was both pretty much where I left it this morning at 5.8 ish . Raised to 5.9-6.0. I also tested my tds meter in distilled water and it read .001. Didn’t mean 150
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3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
No .
Bh ppm was 146 to start and after nuteswas 190 . Sh started at 193 after nutes at 243 . This is Ph was both pretty much where I left it this morning at 5.8 ish . Raised to 5.9-6.0. I also tested my tds meter in distilled water and it read .001. Didn’t mean 150
That sounds right then. 50ppm of feed you just added.


Well-Known Member
Thought about using distilled but the tap ppm was so low . Does the chemicals in the tap water evaporate cause any kind of flux?