Plants do all sorts of weird shit sometimes. I've had ones with 3 nodes and 4 nodes at each junction and tho you'd think that that would increase your yields by 50 or 100% respectively but sadly it doesn't.

They end up looking like any other plant and yield the same. I've had four reverse hermies where female flowers appear on a male.
I was reading up on how to select for breeding to get the best stable variety of the strain you were working on. The guy was quite insistent that you shouldn't discard the ones that are as big and healthy growing as others. Claimed they often had other qualities that wouldn't be apparent until they'd been grown out and tested. I've been pollen chucking for many years and was guilty of crossing none but the best and he also said that that would eventually lead to the degradation of the line. Can't recall who it was but at the time I knew and he was a well known breeder.
I'm now getting into crossing and developing my own favorite crosses to include CBD and making fem seeds. Got to keep it interesting.
How’d you do that without damaging the roots when cutting?
@Herb & Suds said above chopping roots is good for growth and too many think the opposite. I start my seeds in little 9-hole seed starter pots full of ProMix HP that I've run through a 1mm mesh screen, (same as window screen). Before planting I shake them around in a pill jar lined with 150 grit sandpaper for 2 full minutes to scarify the surface of the seeds and let water in easier. Once they have 2 sets of true leaves I repot to something bigger that's usually a 3" square pot then a 2L tobacco can if a known fem or 1L if a regular because once they have 6 or 7 nodes I'll top above the 4th node and put the cutting in a glass of water or dip in rooting gel and plant in the same pots and mix I use for the seeds to clone it. 12/12 light right away and usually within 10 days they show sex.
Having a little drinky-poo tonight and got off on a tangent. Seems the authorities are right. Booze and pot messes you up more than just one at a time. Especially on an empty stomach.
Anyway, at each repotting from the first I saw the bottom off the rootball to get rid of any long roots and shave down the sides if there are any wrapping around the ball. Like topping a plant when you take off the ends of the roots they branch out so by the time they are in their final pots you barely see any thick roots. From top to bottom it's filled with fine feeder roots that are way more efficient than long fat roots.
I swear I have no idea about what transplant shock is. I've never had any plants do anything weird after repotting. They may seem a little dormant for a day or two but always perk right up and within a few days to a week I see roots poking out the drain holes. The centers of the new growth usually shows that lime green you were worrying about too. That tells me they are real happy in their new home.
There's all sorts of good info in the following link but like the Bible use them as a basis for what you do and don't take them as gospel.
I found a great spot to download
FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.