FISA Abuse by FBI


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I bet. The farmers and coal miners are getting their dose of reality right now. They’re starting to understand what time it is.
actually, they still like to blame & scapegoat Prez Obama for the further demise of mines and their livelihood...


Well-Known Member
That’s why Trump’s boy, Barr, painted the turd pink in that press conference. Because obstruction of justice is high crimes and misdemeanors. The right says, we’ll he didn’t recommend an indictment...that’s be cause of the stupid memo. Understand this, that memo is not law, it was an agreement of departmental policy back in the 70s (Thanks to another Elephant criminal) so we would not embarrass ourselves on the world stage by having a President shit-canned.
Seems like your leadership should pursue impeachment then. I hear Schiff has the goods. Seems irresponsible he did not share with Mueller, don’t you think? Thanks for hanging around, this thread is better with you here.


Well-Known Member
actually, they still like to blame & scapegoat Prez Obama for the further demise of mines and their livelihood...
Leading from behind may not be the best leadership approach. Hard to differentiate from a leader doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
Seems like your leadership should pursue impeachment then. I hear Schiff has the goods. Seems irresponsible he did not share with Mueller, don’t you think? Thanks for hanging around.
who are you hoping to convince with your unending, boring prattle?

here's what we all know, and which you refuse to address:

manafort lied about sharing 75 pages of internal polling data with konstant kilimnik, a high level russian spy. based on that data, he had his russian trolls target their disinformation campaign in certain areas and then manafort told trump to campaign in different places based on that. that's called collusion.

roger stone coordinated the timing, release, and promotion of materials that russian spies stole from the clinton campaign at the request of trump, who we all heard make the request in person. wikileaks asked don junior to have his daddy promote the release of the stolen materials, and 10 minutes later he did. he went on to promote the the stolen materials that he asked russia to steal over 160 times in the last month before the election. that's collusion.

don junior, paul manafort, and jared kushner met to discuss "adoptions" LOL in trump tower. it was actually about a quid pro quo for material once again stolen from the clinton campaign at donald's request. that's collusion.

kushner tried to set up secret back channels to communicate with russia undetected by US counterintelligence. erik prince did the same. in a quid pro quo, trump hired prince's brother, betsy devos, to his cabinet. there were 100+ other instances of 16 of his campaign associates having secret meetings with russians. that's collusion.

since these are all facts that we are all aware of, what even is the point of your retarded reality denial?


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to have any joy in your life. Shame, really.
nah, i have tons of joy in my life. i am not some embittered neo-nazi like yourself. what you're picking up is my disdain for little neo-nazi stains like yourself.

dos that clear things up?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
nah, i have tons of joy in my life. i am not some embittered neo-nazi like yourself. what you're picking up is my disdain for little neo-nazi stains like yourself.

dos that clear things up?
Pssst I think that might too P/C for this lot
Just call them "proud Boyz"


Well-Known Member
I don't even know what that means. Even you can achieve the happiness which seems to have eluded you.
you know, when you try to pretend like you are offended by a big lebowski reference but defend the expression that "obama should be running from lions in fucked up africa", people pick up that you are just a dumbass racist who is bitter that someone is calling you out on your obvious racism, right?

i mean, you understand that we are not all as incredibly fucking stupid as you are right?