It's always "for the sake of the kids!"


Well-Known Member

Blair said that for him, “there is no greater responsibility than the safety of our communities and the safety of our kids,

Banning handguns isn't going to work any better than banning pot.
The fact that pot has been illegal hasn't kept people from using it.

I highly doubt if ANY of the shootings on the streets are by law abiding citizens with registered firearms, who have applied for, and received, a permit to transport their weapon. (required ANY time you take your weapon out in public, say from home to the range)

Handguns are already restricted, and it should be as simple as, if you find an unregistered gun on a person, THAT'S where you increase the pressure, perhaps 10 years just for possessing a handgun without a permit.

Far too often, the law abiding (I feel funny saying that are the ones who suffer, and lose their rights and privileges because of the few bad apples.

From my perspective, guns are tools, if they didn't have guns, they'd have something else...

PS. I don't own a gun, although I did hunt a couple times...


Well-Known Member
From a kid that grew up shooting buying and selling guns on Sundays with their buddies father who was a collector all his life. Hand guns are a waste of owning unless you collect them. They sit in safes unused unless you are PART OF A CLUB. The gun cannot leave the house unless you are going to the range and DIRECTLY I MIGHT ADD,,to and from NO CARRY PERMITS unless yer in NWT for protection and ONLY while there.

Anyone who owns a handgun now that I know doesn't use them...ever...and they sit in safes not able to be used until they once again become part of a club. Until then, They stay put not to be used ever,

Banning them wont do a thing...just like legal pot .. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Only until those kids turn 18 then fuckem!

We've had two completely different approaches to weapons ownership over here due to the change of government 20 odd years ago... neither of those would allow you any unregistered weapons.


Well-Known Member
Banning handguns isn't going to work any better than banning pot.
The fact that pot has been illegal hasn't kept people from using it.

I highly doubt if ANY of the shootings on the streets are by law a
Motherfucker!!! Comparing scum bags shooting each other with the peaceful, pot community.

Eat a bag of dicks, Fucko!!!


Well-Known Member
Oops, lol. I thought that was a quote from Blair (who CAN eat a bag of dicks). Oh well, just a misunderstanding, no biggie.


Well-Known Member
Oops, lol. I thought that was a quote from Blair (who CAN eat a bag of dicks). Oh well, just a misunderstanding, no biggie.
Ah, gotcha, I should have used the QUOTE tag on the one line I did quote from him... Glad I tempered my response :)
