Massachusetts Outdoor Grow 2019

Brought the girls outside full time last week, once the cold snap was over. I fed them some homemade compost tea for the first time (50/50) and between that and the sunshine they are growing like crazy! (except for the runt of the litter on the far right - don't laugh at her :) - she had issues from germination, but I decided to keep her anyways).

In the past I've pH'd all my water, used store bought organic neuts, etc. But this time I'm keeping it simple. Watering using rainwater only - no pH'ing and feeding them only my homemade compost tea and they are growing as well or better than when I've micromanaged everything!!

Will probably transplant into final containers next weekend.


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Brought the girls outside full time last week, once the cold snap was over. I fed them some homemade compost tea for the first time (50/50) and between that and the sunshine they are growing like crazy! (except for the runt of the litter on the far right - don't laugh at her :) - she had issues from germination, but I decided to keep her anyways).

In the past I've pH'd all my water, used store bought organic neuts, etc. But this time I'm keeping it simple. Watering using rainwater only - no pH'ing and feeding them only my homemade compost tea and they are growing as well or better than when I've micromanaged everything!!

Will probably transplant into final containers next weekend.
Looking good! I've become a true believer in the tea. I still use regular nutes, but watering with tea early and often seems to work wonders.
For a very solid "basic" tea, I've had good luck with this recipe...

- 2 gallons RO water in a 5 gallon bucket
Mix into the water...
- 1 tbsp seaweed extract (liquid seaweed)
- 1 tbsp "Urb" (if you have it, they sell small bottles)
- 1 tbsp unsulfered molasses

Then in a sock or cheese cloth bag hanging over the side of the bucket dangling in the water, put...
- 2 cups compost
- 1 cup worn casting

Put the air stone in at the bottom of the bucket under the bag and turn it on...

Leave it brewing in the shade (I put a paper bag over the while UV!), 65-70 degrees for 12 hours with bubble stone running.

Strain it thru a paint strainer, and that's it. You are good to go. The contents of the bag can be used to top dress any of the plants that need an extra kick or sprayed equally among all the plants.
For a very solid "basic" tea, I've had good luck with this recipe...


Mine is super simple. In a bucket - add a Shovel full of compost from our composter, a bit of soil from the garden. Add rain water. Mix regularly throughout the day. No bubbler. After 12-24 hours strain with typical home pasta strainer - while wife is not watching and clean REALLY well :). Mix 1:1 with more rain water then water plants with "tea". I want to add a bit of honey or molasses for my next batch.