The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
lol. Everybody who disagrees with you is a sock. I was busting you up way before her.
yeah you really busted me up by *checks notes* siding with the neo-nazi belief system and hiding from your obvious right wing racist ideology, pikachu

remember when you had your racist buddy delete an entire thread because you tried to mock me for posting at 11:30 PM as you were posting at 1:25 AM?

that was good.

now own me really good again by finding a minor spelling error


Well-Known Member
yeah you really busted me up by *checks notes* siding with the neo-nazi belief system and hiding from your obvious right wing racist ideology, pikachu

remember when you had your racist buddy delete an entire thread because you tried to mock me for posting at 11:30 PM as you were posting at 1:25 AM?

that was good.

now own me really good again by finding a minor spelling error
To be fair, you make it easy. And, you follow me around like a jilted teenager.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, you make it easy. And, you follow me around like a jilted teenager.
wait, you honestly think me exposing you as a neo-nazi is an example of you "busting me up" as you follow me into the only section i regularly post in?

good god you are delusional. you remind me of those really, really dumb neo-nazis who have genuinely convinced themselves that the racist prostitute in the white house is the classiest first lady we've ever had.

your brain must be mush by now. too much meth or what, pikachu?


Well-Known Member
Do you think more people will vote for Trump in 2020, than did in 2016, or will less people vote for him?

Trump bleeds support daily, he does not pick up any new support and we haven't even gotten to any really juicy stuff in the public house hearings, we haven't even heard from Mueller, Rosenstein and a host of others. Bill Barr is gonna have to come before the house sooner or later and Don jr. has got a house subpoena with his name on it, the courts have yet to rule and Donald is yet to defy them too, you know, tell the judge to, "make me". Why not, he's already violating the constitution in defying congress so another branch of government should be no problem, it's not like the senate will do anything about it. Donald is gonna go as far as he can and the republican senate and house members had better go along with anything Donald pulls out of his ass, or else he will turn his army of trolls, flacks and idiots on them via twitter. Defy Donald and the lunatic base will primary them for speaking against the great leader, their political fate depends on Donald's thumbs.

Getting rid of the cockroach might be difficult even if he loses in a landslide, he'll call for his supporters to surround the WH on January 20th to keep him from being evicted, won't help since he'll be arrested as soon as the new POTUS is sworn in. I should say as soon as Bill Barr is not AG anymore and I figure he's coming real close to an orange jump suit himself when he's done fucking America and acting as Trump's lawyer.

Why Trump-Loving Farmers Are Turing on Him | NowThis
‘I’ll never vote for him again.’ — These farmers soured on Trump after his tariff war with China left them struggling to stay afloat.


Well-Known Member
That was a dead roach to begin with, Donald will run, squirm and squeal and will generally be hard to stomp on, though once ya step on him once, the next time is easier, just like a real cockroach...

PS. I don't mean to cast aspersions on real roaches by associating them with Trump.


Well-Known Member
The chickens are coming home to roost as the courts knock down Trump's stonewalls one by one. Looks like we're gonna see a lot more than just Trump's taxes as his accounting firm coughs up a ton of documents, his bankers won't be far behind with their truck loads of documents delivered to congress. All this will be grounds to get even more of Trump's financial info to back past 2000, if he got a dime or a loan from Russia, we'll know, if he laundered money we'll know too. Donald is freaking out over his finances more than about Russia because the penalties for easily proved documents based cases will put him away forever. Laundering money for the Russians was a big part of Donald's income, someone helped him bigly after the financial crash of 2008 and over the years. Donald couldn't mange his way outta a wet paper bag and went through money like shit through a goose while trying to fake being a billionaire. We're about to find out how much money Donald really has, if he laundered money and cheated on his taxes going right back to his old man.

The judge is a Muslim so this should be interesting, I wonder if Donald will tweet anything stupid about it? Oh the irony, brought down by a Muslim, appointed by Obama, not only that, he's an immigrant from a "shit hole country"!
Judge rules against Trump in lawsuit to block Democrats’ subpoena for financial records

  • A federal judge ruled against President Donald Trump on Monday in a lawsuit to block a subpoena from House Democrats for information about his finances.
  • U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta strongly endorsed Congress’ broad authority to investigate the president, striking a blow to arguments made by Trump’s legal team.
  • While Trump’s lawyers had argued that the committee’s subpoena did not have a legitimate legislative purpose — and was therefore invalid — Mehta took a more liberal view.
A federal judge ruled against President Donald Trump on Monday in a lawsuit to block a subpoena from House Democrats for information about his finances.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta strongly endorsed Congress’ broad authority to investigate the president, striking a blow to arguments made by Trump’s legal team.

Trump, speaking outside the White House shortly after the ruling came down, said he disagreed with the judge, and vowed to appeal the decision.

Mehta wrote in a 41-page memorandum opinion that while “there are limits on Congress’s investigative authority ... those limits do not substantially constrain Congress.”
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Well-Known Member
Yep, looks like Donald is getting started on the judge, he's completely predicable...
Trump blasts 'Obama-appointed' judge over ruling on financial records

President Trump on Monday said he would appeal a federal judge’s decision upholding a subpoena for his financial records, blasting it as a “crazy” ruling by “an Obama-appointed judge."

“We will appeal it,” Trump told reporters at the White House before leaving for a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. “It’s totally the wrong decision by, obviously, an Obama appointed judge.”

Monday’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, dealt a blow to the White House’s efforts to stymie congressional Democrats’ investigations into Trump.


Well-Known Member
Good job once again, Detective UB!

I could not figure out who the Pikachu sock was, and you're right, it was Pablo cheese dip.

Emphasis on was. :lol:

Seriously, the guy should get a life, knock on doors for Donald or something, there are lot's of other ways to make a fool of himself other than hanging around here socking through a VPN.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, it's not Friday. He must have something else in store for the weekend.
We're just getting started on the week and it promises to be a dandy! All this stonewalling and bullshit has gotta hurt his support, especially if Trump gives the finger to the courts, that will mean big trouble for the GOP in the house and senate.


Well-Known Member
I think the house Sargent of Arms should "snatch" and jail McGahn the next morning as he leaves his house, surprise, shock and awe. Squawk to walk cocksucker after a couple of weeks of cooling his heels, the committee should be ready to call him again. No bail in the house jail, no pardons either for a house imposed prison sentence for inherent contempt of congress. McGhan will make a good example and shake others lose.
Trump directs former White House counsel McGahn to defy subpoena, not appear before Congress
President Donald Trump said last month that his administration is "fighting all the subpoenas" issued by House Democrats seeking testimony related to Mueller's report.

By Dartunorro Clark
President Donald Trump has directed former White House counsel Don McGahn to defy a congressional subpoena and not testify Tuesday, current White House counsel Pat Cipollone said Monday.

In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., Cipollone wrote that the Justice Department "has advised me that Mr. McGahn is absolutely immune from compelled congressional testimony with respect to matters occurring during his service as a senior adviser to the President."

He added, "the President has directed Mr. McGahn not to appear at the Committee's scheduled hearing" on Tuesday.
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Well-Known Member
BTW: The new NY state law releasing Trumps taxes and other info to Congress is expected to pass and be signed into law with in 48 hours, Congress could have them by the week end and the public shortly there after. Also NY is changing the law on federal pardons to allow Trump's family to be prosecuted by the state of NY if pardoned by Trump.

Donald should have a Helluva weekend tweet freak out, it's gonna be a bad week for him and it's gonna get worse next week and the week after too.