Well-Known Member
Hey everyoneWow. Just wow.
The guy who tells holocaust deniers that he loves them wants you all to believe he is shocked and offended by this mundane question
We all buy his act, right?
Hey everyoneWow. Just wow.
Wow what you dolt?Wow. Just wow.
What do you believe is the most effective way for a white Democratic candidate to win the African American vote?
Cory Booker and Kamala Harris come to mind. Both have far more credit than that idiot Abrams does.OK
Who is your choice for VP that would attract voters of color?
Color me surprised by your first order bifurcation on race. Post #155 was original question?Wow what you dolt?
It was the original question
The guy who celebrated alongside white supremacists is trying to pull off the worlds clumsiest “no YOURE the racist”, folksColor me surprised by your first order bifurcation on race. Post #155 was original question?
I heard they took "you're the racist" off the bingo card and just made it a "free" spotThe guy who celebrated alongside white supremacists is trying to pull off the worlds clumsiest “no YOURE the racist”, folks
Truly a thing to behold
is that the extent of the shenanigans kemp pulled off to keep certain voters away from the polls? noLMAO!!!
You bought into that bullshit? Seriously?
No, votes weren't "denied". There were some 4,300 votes that needed to be recounted but she was losing by 55,000 votes. They were moot and didn't matter. That's why she conceded the victory after making a complete ass of herself by trying to submit that those less than 5,000 votes would somehow change the election in her favor when she was down 55,000.
Ummmm...actually, yes.is that the extent of the shenanigans kemp pulled off to keep certain voters away from the polls? no
Nope.your state just had an illegitimate election in which your secretary of state abused his power to appoint himself as governor.
i have eyes and ears and saw and heard what he did in your state, abusing his power to rig the election in his own favor.the idiot actually won fair and square.
Actually, all you have is opinion and bitterness.i have eyes and ears and saw and heard what he did in your state, abusing his power to rig the election in his own favor.
he is not a legitimate governor. nor is desantis.
No good we need all the Democratic Senators we can musterCory Booker and Kamala Harris come to mind. Both have far more credit than that idiot Abrams does.
no, there was a lot more than just that.Actually, all you have is opinion and bitterness.
I live here. I saw the whole damn thing. The claims were baseless and complete bullshit.
The whole thing stemmed from one county in rural southwest Georgia that wanted to close down 4 polling locations because they couldn't afford to upgrade them to comply with state law.
That was it. Of course, some sensationalist assholes (for all I know, it was you) claimed that they were "Intentionally shutting down black polling stations to effect the election".
But after all the bullshit hit the fan ABOUT 5 MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION TOOK PLACE, the state board of elections footed the bill to upgrade the facilities themselves and they were all open on election day...for nearly NOBODY to vote at. (Less than 1800 votes were cast in the entire area.)
- First off, the county is very sparsely populated.
- Secondly, it's a very poor county.
- Thirdly, the polling stations in question had no handicap access, which they couldn't afford to put in because it's a poor county.
But keep crying crocodile tears over made up bullshit if it makes you feel better.
just gonna play dumb about your own state's useless voting system and all his antics eh?Name it then.
I can't wait to hear your insider bullshit.
I'm the one that lives here. I'm the one that told you EXACTLY what happened.just gonna play dumb about your own state's useless voting system and all his antics eh?
about what i'd expect from you
I'm the one that lives here. I'm the one that told you EXACTLY what happened.
So put up or shut up, pal. You don't know shit. You just talk it a lot.
No.Wasn't it just last week that you were telling an Australian ...
how things were in Australia!
You're such a fraud.I don't really like Biden. I hate Trump.
Why should I care which old white guy is going to drag his feet about cannabis legalization? I realize that there are other important issues, but I think we should consider this.
I would rather someone else run than Biden just because I'm not convinced that he can win in 2020. I don't really like his past comments about Marijuana. There are other issues with his image that bother me. He definitely isn't as creepy as the Donald. He is little bit of a creepy old white guy and the incumbent is the epitome and very archetypal embodiment of creepy old white guy.
Don't goad me into supporting the lesser of two creepy old white guys. That rules out Bernie too.
Yes. He's a complete hypocrite, willing to blatantly lie to push his agenda of election establishment Democrats.I'm the one that lives here. I'm the one that told you EXACTLY what happened.
YOU are the one claiming some other bullshit happened, which it didn't, but keep on insisting it did but you adamantly refuse to say what it is.
You're a hypocrite of the highest order. You expect everybody to prove shit and answer your questions and to not make claims they can't prove while at the very same time you spout endless bullshit without any proof or even a hint of any proof at all in anything you say.
People CLAIMED a lot of shit in that election. NONE OF IT was true.
It was actually a very easy election to predict: Abrams won Atlanta and the entire metro area (including my county) but she lost pretty much the rest of the entire state which is nothing but white rednecks.
It was predicted to be much worse than it was. I was actually surprised it was remotely close (which it wasn't really).
So put up or shut up, pal. You don't know shit. You just talk it a lot.