Natural(sun) vs Artificial (grow light)


Well-Known Member
I’m trying to figure out how many hours of natural sunlight would I need vs grow light
(315 CHM). To keep my plant in veg, I understand I need more than 12.. I’m trying to give like 8-10 hours of sun .. the rest darkness.. by the sun being more powerful, would this be equivalent to 8-10 of my CHM.. better yet should my growth at least be the same..And on rainy or cloudy days fire up the 315... It’s hard for me to see trying to be organic with artificial lighting:weed:..Or am I begging for a hermie
I’m trying to figure out how many hours of natural sunlight would I need vs grow light
(315 CHM). To keep my plant in veg, I understand I need more than 12.. I’m trying to give like 8-10 hours of sun .. the rest darkness.. by the sun being more powerful, would this be equivalent to 8-10 of my CHM.. better yet should my growth at least be the same..And on rainy or cloudy days fire up the 315... It’s hard for me to see trying to be organic with artificial lighting:weed:..Or am I begging for a hermie

So are you trying to veg it with just 8-10 hours of light total? Cause that ain't gonna work.

If your asking if the sun is more powerful than your 315 chm (cmh)? Yes, by like 100 billion times. Your lights footprint 3x3 the sun's is much much larger than our planet.

If you are trying to veg 8-10 hours outside and 8-10 inside under a light then yeah that works well but is a pain in the neck and you are bringing bugs inside with it.

Maybe you're trying to flower 8-10 hours of sunlight then stick it in a shed till the next day? Yeah that could work but you gotta do it every damn day for the next 2 months at least. You're bound to screw that up at some point. Maybe not. I don't know you. Just why over complicate it like that?
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I’m trying to figure out how many hours of natural sunlight would I need vs grow light
(315 CHM). To keep my plant in veg, I understand I need more than 12.. I’m trying to give like 8-10 hours of sun .. the rest darkness.. by the sun being more powerful, would this be equivalent to 8-10 of my CHM.. better yet should my growth at least be the same..And on rainy or cloudy days fire up the 315... It’s hard for me to see trying to be organic with artificial lighting:weed:..Or am I begging for a hermie

Ya, i mean. Unfortunately it doesnt work like that lol. Itll start flowering as soon as its mature if under less than 12 hrs of light. But please post results lol.
Yeah thanks, I think I’m getting ahead of myself.. rushing things... and your right, it would be a “pita”... I’m I’m just gonna stick with the script...
My problem is, I only have one tent.. ok so I have 2 in flower now... they receive 12/12.. I then pull the others out the tent run outside & try to give them 3-4 more hours of light... puts them in veg for @ least 15-16...I’m not set up properly jus yet for another tent...closet can veg...may jus break blurples back out:shock: until I get odor control.. i can’t bring flowering plants in. I was hoping the more powerful sun would boost grow.. a lot more light over the 315.., of course it will.... My fault for screwing the question up.. I was on 1:-D
Your flowering plants need 12 hrs of darkness this should be your main concern so i would leave them in the tent.

Your veg plants think of the same way but opposite. They can't have 12 hrs of darkness (NOT the same as need at least 12 of light) So as long as you keep you plants in veg from getting 12 hrs of darkness you should be ok. This could be done may ways, 6hrs light 2hrs darkness which equates to 18/6 cycle and some ppl actually strive for this. Like was said in a pinch you could just veg outside but personally I don't bring outdoor plants into my house.

They point i'm trying to make is if you keep your vegging plants from getting 12 hrs of uninterrupted darkness you will be fine and that leaves you a lot of different options depending on what you have available.
Your flowering plants need 12 hrs of darkness this should be your main concern so i would leave them in the tent.

Your veg plants think of the same way but opposite. They can't have 12 hrs of darkness (NOT the same as need at least 12 of light) So as long as you keep you plants in veg from getting 12 hrs of darkness you should be ok. This could be done may ways, 6hrs light 2hrs darkness which equates to 18/6 cycle and some ppl actually strive for this. Like was said in a pinch you could just veg outside but personally I don't bring outdoor plants into my house.

They point i'm trying to make is if you keep your vegging plants from getting 12 hrs of uninterrupted darkness you will be fine and that leaves you a lot of different options depending on what you have available.
This is what I’m thinking.. almost treating it like an auto
I didn’t really care about a light schedule as long as I gave it all the light I could... Like if it got 13-15 or 18 or 20.. it seem to me the more the more I got.. the less light I gave it the less it gave in return..

I thought with a photo, as long as I gave it 13-15 continuous hours of light, it stays in veg... as long as I don’t give a photo 12 hour of TOTAL DARKNESS I’m ok...

It seems like with a photo if I give it 13-15 hours or so of light, I’m harming it.. might hermie or something..

I was taking them out of the tent but now they will stay in the closet under my blurples until I can do better.. then just rotate into the flower tent at the appropriate time...

Funny as hell... I’m vegging with a blurple dominant red (galaxyhydro 300) and trying to flower with 4200K blue spectrum. I’m not saying it can’t be done...have seen it several times... jus seems wierd
Possible solutions could be unplug light and relocate then reset for next cycle tent.

Flower the lot and buy a veg tent.

Could try 14 on 10 off but i am not responsible for that outcome :-)

Probably the slowest growing plants i ever had, were part of my stonebag experiments at 14/10. It just sucks ass.
I believe that the plants like consistency. I did what you're doing and ended up with hermies. There isn't a lumen meter that the plant needs to fill per day, it literally needs light in time not necessarily strength. The strength creates denser buds etc but you can flower under a 100 watt Aerogarden (been there, did that. Smoked the whole harvest in a weekend :) )

I also feel your pain as far as your set up. I grow 25 legal plants in the 2nd bedroom of my 8th floor apartment. I have a flowering tent and a vegging tent and another set up for herbs, seedlings, and now some wee cuttings.

There's also evidence that plants can do math (calculus) whereby they predict how long the dark will be and use their stored energy appropriately & accordingly. The math comes in so that they're not "starving" for the last few hours of darkness. This is why consistency is good for them where lights on hours are concerned.

Plants Do Math to Survive the Night