Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member

well I topped it off just now and it went from 310-300.....

So am I getting false readings because of the difference of liquid volume?
Probably. As it drinks water, ppm will go up. As it uses nutes, ppm goes down.

You need a line to put the water level at the same place everyday. When you top off, then check ppm, you'll see it drop daily.


Well-Known Member
Something ain’t right......


I see potential. But that top of the root mass can’t be good. Plenty of hydroguard in there......hmmm.

Any ideas? Didn’t do my homework. Just worked 7am to just got home. However many hours that is. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
After seeing everything you guys go thru with hydro, i threw out my bubble cloner. I'll stick with my self buffering dirt.
This guy is pretty smart........
Aside from that stupid front Sativa that bitches and drops at lights out..... soil is banging this run lol.

I could not open my tent for a week and it’d still be banging.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
That’s why I’m trying this growing plants in water shit. Looking for a monster in the closet.... tent.

Looks like you might have rot about to be starting. My compost tea puts a brown slime on the roots but it's a good thing. I don't know if hydroguard does the same.

Does it smell unpleasant?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Organic soil is way easier than hydro but it takes longer for plants to bulk up.
I wouldn't say easier. It's much easier to control everything very precisely in hydro. Maintenance... well that's where it makes or breaks growers.

I grow outdoor in soil, so I obviously still like it lol, but hydro is just THE way to grow in my preference.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say easier. It's much easier to control everything very precisely in hydro. Maintenance... well that's where it makes or breaks growers.

I grow outdoor in soil, so I obviously still like it lol, but hydro is just THE way to grow in my preference.
Give em plain water when they're dry.
No pumps, meters, etc.

How is that not easier? :roll:

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Give em plain water when they're dry.
No pumps, meters, etc.

How is that not easier? :roll:
It's a front loaded process, building the soil, cooking if need be. It's much slower in comparison. It requires more space. Easy is defined by your parameters.

Easy for me is complete control. Much like driving a manual vs auto. Hydro may require more attention, but it's full control.

Soil may be easy for you. Just as many people have trouble with soil as hydro. It's just trade off, no right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
Somethings severely wrong with my environment or my RH meter is wrong. Reading 70% Rh? Wtf lmao. Temp is 70 Rh is 70.

Won’t thrive like this for much longer.

I have two fans going in tent. Try turning them off? Warm room up? Maybe I have a water leak.... this humidity isn’t normal. Had both bottom vents open but just closed one. Seems humidity rose to 70 when I did that..... I don’t know man.


Well-Known Member
My exhaust duct work to my “roof” is shaking.... not sure if it isn’t actually getting vented properly maybe? I put a hole in my ceiling and dig out insulation and stuck duct in hole and taped hole shut...... wondering if blowback or whatever the moist air isn’t actually going anywhere....?


3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
My exhaust duct work to my “roof” is shaking.... not sure if it isn’t actually getting vented properly maybe? I put a hole in my ceiling and dig out insulation and stuck duct in hole and taped hole shut...... wondering if blowback or whatever the moist air isn’t actually going anywhere....?

Yea... sounds like it. Good way to grow mold.