Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Clyde I was wondering if you had a back yard cuz pools are reasonable priced right now and we got one but haven’t put up yet but seems like a hee hawing good time with no beaches too close to us. Just a idea for fun and something neat for your new pad.
I've gotta process some castings today.
Runoff from the worm tower smells like ass so the stuff at the bottom is going anaerobic. :shock:

I have a drip tray under my tub that I just recycle back into the bin once every couple days.

Do you have one of the commercial towers? Been wondering how they work. My bigger reds will go down 8"-10" and leave the smaller worms up top. Lot of talk that reds stay in the top 3"-4"... crock of shit.
Isn’t the right approach hey man it served its purpose at the old place, im not using it anymore, swap me back and if I ever fire back up I can buy a new one?

Instead of talking about it and causing unwarranted and honestly unwanted animosity? Not sure what the deal is man. I like you. Can’t get a dime of anything decent back from you friend wise these last few months. Drove by your area a lot of times and can’t hear back ever idk man?

You should scroll back. Read the comment where you had a conversation about swapping back the tents all with just yourself. And you decided that’s what was suppose to be happening right now all without my input.. never stopped to ask if it was being used or not :/ that kinda puts me in a position where I have to publicly point out these facts.

That’s you putting me in this situation, as this was all news to me that we were swapping tents back. See what I’m saying brother? I had no idea that was happening.

Yet I’m not being a friend? Your really hard to be friends with if you ask me. It’s always something. Soon as I say something you don’t want to hear. Or if I’m busy when you “roll through town” with ZERO heads up. I had stuff going on man.. it’s that simple :/

You aren’t going to get the kind of responses you want from me by creating a problem like you just did. I posted about my life in some way, and Moab wants a tent to be traded back completely unannounced and Undiscussed. Somehow.

That was a discussion we should have had. But never did.
Here’s what I had at 6am. Ph was like 7.4 or something stupid. Did a res change yesterday and it swung more than I’d thought it would but I fixed it I think.

That damn front one wilts before lights off and when they first come on...... don’t know what it’s deal is. It’s. Reg. Put my blueberry in that huge pot in the back right lmao.

Then some of my autos in the front right. 2 DNx gorilla glue and one DN x auto ultimate. Need to start a DN x green crack my iceman strain and need to start dn x wwxxl.
You should scroll back. Read the comment where you had a conversation about swapping back the tents all with just yourself. And you decided that’s what was suppose to be happening right now all without my input.. never stopped to ask if it was being used or not :/ that kinda puts me in a position where I have to publicly point out these facts.

That’s you putting me in this situation, as this was all news to me that we were swapping tents back. See what I’m saying brother? I had no idea that was happening.

Yet I’m not being a friend? Your really hard to be friends with if you ask me. It’s always something. Soon as I say something you don’t want to hear. Or if I’m busy when you “roll through town” with ZERO heads up. I had stuff going on man.. it’s that simple :/

You aren’t going to get the kind of responses you want from me by creating a problem like you just did. I posted about my life in some way, and Moab wants a tent to be traded back completely unannounced and Undiscussed. Somehow.

That was a discussion we should have had. But never did.
You posted you no longer needed a grow space etc because you had 4x8 to work with at dudes. So that made me go “ok he isn’t using that tent anymore for his grow.....”

There was. Nothing more to it than that man. I wanted you to have it in your basement starting a grow? But if you aren’t going to, as you said earlier, I could’ve used it to save the hundred bucks man honestly. That was fucking all it was man...... damn.
You act like I’m a dummy when I say you aren’t growing in your basement? When last week all you talked about was remodeling that basement and turning it into a grow room like soil2cocos blah blah. I was excited to see that. Then you go way left field. And I was just trying to loke..... have discussion o guess? About it? Because I was curious.... sorry for wondering man. My bad.
Days of our lives wtf. Going to chainsaw some tree down man I don’t know what else to say. Can’t have a normal guy to guy chit chat with you man.
Y’all have each other’s numbers text or call each other. This isn’t the place to hash out your personal problems.

@Moabfighter @ClydeWalters
Gotcha man sorry what’s up how’s your BH doing today???? What’s the size of it say to a lighter? I think we have weird pheno. Iceman and Steve and big ole nugs seem to have one with more indica leaves but maybe I’m tripping. Mine are like just three fingered....

Edit I cleaned a lot of that yellow shit off my roots last night. They look better.... the strong ones really didn’t break off like I expected them to which is good. Only the bad peeled away it seemed.
@ClydeWalters man if I can ever get enough veg to get a clone off..... you want a few BH clones for you or your buddy or whoever to run and get in on this comparative? Wish you were growing with us. I like you man and want to watch you grow.....
Gotcha man sorry what’s up how’s your BH doing today???? What’s the size of it say to a lighter? I think we have weird pheno. Iceman and Steve and big ole nugs seem to have one with more indica leaves but maybe I’m tripping. Mine are like just three fingered....

It’s all good. Uhmm it’s like a bic and a half tall. But according to this chart I need to back my PPMs off to get it feeding again.
Everything’s static... ph,ppm, and water level.

Gotcha man sorry what’s up how’s your BH doing today???? What’s the size of it say to a lighter? I think we have weird pheno. Iceman and Steve and big ole nugs seem to have one with more indica leaves but maybe I’m tripping. Mine are like just three fingered....

Edit I cleaned a lot of that yellow shit off my roots last night. They look better.... the strong ones really didn’t break off like I expected them to which is good. Only the bad peeled away it seemed.

My BH has more sativa looking leaves. Long and skinny so far.