You should scroll back. Read the comment where you had a conversation about swapping back the tents all with just yourself. And you decided that’s what was suppose to be happening right now all without my input.. never stopped to ask if it was being used or not :/ that kinda puts me in a position where I have to publicly point out these facts.
That’s you putting me in this situation, as this was all news to me that we were swapping tents back. See what I’m saying brother? I had no idea that was happening.
Yet I’m not being a friend? Your really hard to be friends with if you ask me. It’s always something. Soon as I say something you don’t want to hear. Or if I’m busy when you “roll through town” with ZERO heads up. I had stuff going on man.. it’s that simple :/
You aren’t going to get the kind of responses you want from me by creating a problem like you just did. I posted about my life in some way, and Moab wants a tent to be traded back completely unannounced and Undiscussed. Somehow.
That was a discussion we should have had. But never did.