Thanks man...seen the 1st one several times and it’s a good one...I’m shooting for bubble like that jar!!!...

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2nd one: hope mine turns out more like what you pressed from bud...

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vid looks like old cured bud rosin....hopin too, to get closer to 80% after i get up the learning curve....

We’ll see, should be able to get a few oz of bubble to play with...
Yeah bro. That shit looked pretty great when he was pouring it into that funnel, I was like damn. White sand that's going to get him ripped OUT. That's how it should be for sure. Having a couple of ozs to play with should give you plenty of high quality experimental material.

ETA: Just don't forget to not apply all your pressure at once, ease it on down a little at a time. I think your press has an option to slowly increase pressure over time?
Yeah bro. That shit looked pretty great when he was pouring it into that funnel, I was like damn. White sand that's going to get him ripped OUT. That's how it should be for sure. Having a couple of ozs to play with should give you plenty of high quality experimental material.

ETA: Just don't forget to not apply all your pressure at once, ease it on down a little at a time. I think your press has an option to slowly increase pressure over time?

Oh yeah! In 1 psi increments....

I wish that guy with the brown rosin woulda had the pressure guage better focused and had also shown temp, he did great job on the countdown clock, tho....i took some screenshots to blow up pressure guage later...i think the inside nums are in psi, with endpoint around 400...i’ll use his press duration, thinking about using temp from the link i posted...

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Oh yeah! In 1 psi increments....

I wish that brown rosin guy woulda had the pressure guage better focused and also shown temp, he did great job on the countdown clock, tho....i took some screenshots to blow up pressure guage later...i think the inside nums are in psi, with endpoint around 400...i’ll use his press duration, thinking about using temp from the link i posted...

Only suggestion I really have is to math out what machine psi you need to get the right psi on the bag. Not sure how high speed that display is on your press, hopefully it saves you the trouble. I really liked that Pedro had the clock there, helps to put the time into good perspective.
Just gotta be in right mood, maybe have a guide if doing least first ride...

I spent many a belly laffing night in my younger days with shrooms/lysergic, good friends, and a keg....some reef to take the edge off...

Can you tell?
The visuals are what these are known for, but a quite place and meditation can lead to what to me was kinda like an orgasm... But from your core... Like a vibration... Ive been blessed and cant say ive ever had a bad trip. RIP Jerry G.
Looking great there WSWS. Nice purps on the one in front on the left!

Thanks buddy. There are some good looking buds in there for sure. Wife and I got in there last night and tied some up so they’re looking a little better now. I don’t really want to grow big plants like those anymore. They create too much extra work cause they stretch and start flopping colas all over the place lol.
The right table is just about the size I want to keep growing.
Thanks buddy. There are some good looking buds in there for sure. Wife and I got in there last night and tied some up so they’re looking a little better now. I don’t really want to grow big plants like those anymore. They create too much extra work cause they stretch and start flopping colas all over the place lol.
The right table is just about the size I want to keep growing.
Yep, leaners are a pita for sure. I'm coming at that problem with a plan to strengthen the branches so they (maybe) won't need to be all strung up like a marionette.
Thanks buddy. There are some good looking buds in there for sure. Wife and I got in there last night and tied some up so they’re looking a little better now. I don’t really want to grow big plants like those anymore. They create too much extra work cause they stretch and start flopping colas all over the place lol.
The right table is just about the size I want to keep growing.
Yep, leaners are a pita for sure. I'm coming at that problem with a plan to strengthen the branches so they (maybe) won't need to be all strung up like a marionette.
I feel you guys 100% my Rbc straight laid the fuck over while I was sick because it ran low on water ugh. Hom3grown came by and looked at it to tie it up and even he was like fml lol. I'll probably see if I can't figure some trellis netting or cages out, could always zip them to my tent poles, my Qube is pretty sturdy. Maybe you could strap some stakes around your table to help prevent things like that in the future.

I will say, however, that that wasn't an issue on my mainlined plant at all, just the free form Rbc.
I feel you guys 100% my Rbc straight laid the fuck over while I was sick because it ran low on water ugh. Hom3grown came by and looked at it to tie it up and even he was like fml lol. I'll probably see if I can't figure some trellis netting or cages out, could always zip them to my tent poles, my Qube is pretty sturdy. Maybe you could strap some stakes around your table to help prevent things like that in the future.

I will say, however, that that wasn't an issue on my mainlined plant at all, just the free form Rbc.

I’ve tried all kinds of trellises, hate them all, cuz when the plants are strapped in, it is a mf pita to work on them...and if you get pm.....oh the painful memories....

I still tie them, but mainlining plus tying to something below the canopy (like my bucket rim), while the plant grows (and the stems harden into position) is the best for me...

ymmv...especially w/ a large number of plants....i’ll be doing 12 plants this next grow, i’m sure it will be friggin painful.

That's a good point OG, didn't think about that. Trellising like that might be a bit more feasible if you're in soil or coco, rather than dwc, unless you have a remote res. 12 plants tho, oof. You're really gonna enjoy that lol
Thanks buddy. There are some good looking buds in there for sure. Wife and I got in there last night and tied some up so they’re looking a little better now. I don’t really want to grow big plants like those anymore. They create too much extra work cause they stretch and start flopping colas all over the place lol.
The right table is just about the size I want to keep growing.
One of the reasons I switched to more plants in smaller pots. Switched from 7 gal pots to 3 gal and haven't had the lean problem since. It was like a never ending chore tying everything up.
Thanks buddy. There are some good looking buds in there for sure. Wife and I got in there last night and tied some up so they’re looking a little better now. I don’t really want to grow big plants like those anymore. They create too much extra work cause they stretch and start flopping colas all over the place lol.
The right table is just about the size I want to keep growing.

Have you tried sog? I’m not that familiar with it, but when done right, it is supposed to yield very well, and single huge colas per plant, it might be something that works well with your tables. Would work best using clones...your tables would look like corn rows of donkey dicks.

@Randomblame any comments (vid above shows setup)?
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