Ibn Growin

Starting to slowly spin back up for another run. Made a couple of purchases for QoL today. Two pairs titanium scissors so now I got 3 pair for helping hands on big yields lol. Got a new carbon filter since mine ran for what, 2 grows? Anyone know the lifetime on those?? Also picked up a trim bin that's got a screen in the bottom for kief catching :3

Going to try a new nute line this time too. Will be green planet nutes. Any of you guys ever tried them? Hom3grown said he's totally in love with Masterblend, bc economics and it works great for him. May end up there myself, just wanting too see if this hype is real or not. Now I just gotta decide what I actually wanna run...hrm.
Starting to slowly spin back up for another run. Made a couple of purchases for QoL today. Two pairs titanium scissors so now I got 3 pair for helping hands on big yields lol. Got a new carbon filter since mine ran for what, 2 grows? Anyone know the lifetime on those?? Also picked up a trim bin that's got a screen in the bottom for kief catching :3

Going to try a new nute line this time too. Will be green planet nutes. Any of you guys ever tried them? Hom3grown said he's totally in love with Masterblend, bc economics and it works great for him. May end up there myself, just wanting too see if this hype is real or not. Now I just gotta decide what I actually wanna run...hrm.
Haven't tried them but I will be watching... might want to switch up my nutes when I get to the next grow...
Starting to slowly spin back up for another run. Made a couple of purchases for QoL today. Two pairs titanium scissors so now I got 3 pair for helping hands on big yields lol. Got a new carbon filter since mine ran for what, 2 grows? Anyone know the lifetime on those?? Also picked up a trim bin that's got a screen in the bottom for kief catching :3

Going to try a new nute line this time too. Will be green planet nutes. Any of you guys ever tried them? Hom3grown said he's totally in love with Masterblend, bc economics and it works great for him. May end up there myself, just wanting too see if this hype is real or not. Now I just gotta decide what I actually wanna run...hrm.

Haven’t changed out a filter yet, all of mine are less than 2 years of runtime...

I’d run some marijuana...
Wicked, I've seen people say to replace them every grow, every other grow, etc. do you do any kind of cleaning or maintenance on yours, or just clean off the white blanket on the outside of it?

Besides replacing them, washing out that prefilter thing, is all you really can do.

I imagine you change em when the smell becomes an issue.

I hate screwin with the fan-filter, so i may be slower than most....
Got my tent cleaned out, getting ready for next grow. Gonna do Alaskan Purple this time, then after this gonna germ my amnesia og seeds, hopefully get some females out of these two reg seeds. Clone city central if so lol.
OG, smaller one...
Not sure I'd call it "small", lol, but I suppose relatively it is. Also eyeballed Bubbleman's bubble hash washer setup for after I get back to working again. Feeling a lot better now. Not 100% just yet, but waaaay the fuck better than I was.

Got a meeting with a lady from the va on the 17th(already met with her once and she is basically fresh and bright and seems legit af), whose job it is to work with rural vets and help us get actual decent vet-friendly jobs.

If I could get Uncle Sam to quit low flying jets over my goddamn house, I'd be set. Assholes.

Very likely going to mainline my plants from now on. I really liked the strong, no-droop structure that those plants develop. Appreciate you and Hom3grown turning me onto that.
Not sure I'd call it "small", lol, but I suppose relatively it is. Also eyeballed Bubbleman's bubble hash washer setup for after I get back to working again. Feeling a lot better now. Not 100% just yet, but waaaay the fuck better than I was.

Got a meeting with a lady from the va on the 17th(already met with her once and she is basically fresh and bright and seems legit af), whose job it is to work with rural vets and help us get actual decent vet-friendly jobs.

If I could get Uncle Sam to quit low flying jets over my goddamn house, I'd be set. Assholes.

Very likely going to mainline my plants from now on. I really liked the strong, no-droop structure that those plants develop. Appreciate you and Hom3grown turning me onto that.

Glad to hear you’re still improving, and you’re getting some help on the eployment side.

I’ll ask the russians to talk to don-the-con about the jets...
Glad to hear you’re still improving, and you’re getting some help on the eployment side.

I’ll ask the russians to talk to don-the-con about the jets...
I'd appreciate it if you did, they don't seem to give a fuck what I think! Couldn't sleep for a while last night, I'll show you what I got into instead last night lol
Threw out those disc air stones too. Not sure if it was just that brand or what, but I'm going back to the blue soda can ones. Those things pump. I wasn't terribly impressed with the pawfly discs at all.
Sh!t man, got any commercial greenhouses nearby? They need a hardworking guy with a brain?
There are a few smaller greenhouses around, not sure how the pay would be though. Sounds like something I need to look into for sure. Hell might be able to start my own if not. Food for thought. Small businesses are hard, though, aren't they??
There are a few smaller greenhouses around, not sure how the pay would be though. Sounds like something I need to look into for sure. Hell might be able to start my own if not. Food for thought. Small businesses are hard, though, aren't they??

Need to be self-motivated & a good planner; have a good product, pricing, & customers; have access to sufficient funds, and able to manage cash flow; know wtf you’re doing...

My advice: learn the job by working for someone else, then do a smarter, better job than them on your own...