Hello all. I've been a bad boy

Is my introduction lame and am ia whiny little biotch?

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  • No but you're still a biotch

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Well-Known Member

I've been lurking here for a bit and always seem to find myself seeking info here from Google searches. .Dare I say this site has some of the best relevent information? And what seems like a super relaxed atmosphere? Where people can actually *GASP* argue respectfully?

Anyways, I'm Blaze , nice to meet everyone. I'm an exile from that other site shmore shmwunty shmagazine.

I was running a pretty good journal since April and things were going well. Making friends, constantly smiling lest the belt snap, liking the most shittiest of scraggly buds in fear of being outcast, participating in lobotomies, bare knuckle fighting for grow of the month, you know, the typical stuff cool people do when just "hanging out". We all made sure to take our happy pills prior to logging on because anything negative WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED! Oh and we would all make our daily offerings to the sponsors by depositing a pound of flesh into the sponsor box. It was pure bliss!

But alas, I had a bad experience by a couple seed companies, Sponsors I mean, (sorry I'LL whip myself later as punishment). I had followed the banners from the website, so I felt safe. Well, 1 out of 3 seed companies performed flawlessly! The other 2 did not... One of the orders was good, the first CC order, but 2 of 4 breeders packs arrived open. The 3rd companies order never arrived but they finally refunded after 40 days of no seeds, so O.K. But as I placed another order with the prior (2nd company), a cash order, (still following me?), that's when things got a little strange.

The second order from company number 2 was made with cash as the CC option mysteriously disappeared. So I sent in cash across the Atlantic (roughly 300$). Seeds showed up rather quickly but not in breeders packs and several seed strains looked exactly the same. Supposedly land race strains from trusted breeders but as they were, one could not be sure at all. Plus the order did not come from Western Europe like the previous order had, but minutes from my house in North Orange County .CA ...

Sorry for rambling, almost over... As I went to rectify the situation, it appeared the seed company did not want to hear any of it, so I went back to the "original website" from whence I came, to leave a review and ask for help.

Long story short, all my posts were deleted and I was banned for QUESTIONING AND BASHING AN IMMORTAL SPONSOR! I'm out almost 300$ and I've got random seeds which who knows what the hell they are. The company finally said they will send out the proper order but I haven't heard from them in a couple days. I'm still holding out hope as I'm not one to complain about little things. I understand things get stuck in customs, etc... but flat out sending random seeds trying to pass off as certain well known breeders? Not good

The above rambling is written in sarcasm and trying at humor but true. I've never been banned from a forum in my life lol I've been growing for roughly 20 years as well but I'm no expert by any means. That "other" website is pretty weird with allot of newbs running 100w LEDs and auto flowers indoors. Not that that's a bad thing but they act like their little grow is so gigantic and they're experts. Theres a few really good people on there tho who really know what they're doing but the atmosphere is such a fake happy, trying to impress sponsors for free equipment, it's creepy. So I'm actually glad I'm banned as I lurked more here anyways.

Another time, I had just switched out a T5 for a really impressive 200w full spectrum LED for my mother tent. It was 75$ and it really kicks ass, so I thought I would share it with the board. Well, turns out, that is a big no no and was my first warning and an accuseal of being a salesmen or something, which I'm not. I'm just a 40yo stoner who loves growing and thought I'd share the wealth. I guess it wasn't on their approved list. Understandable I guess. If the mods tell me something within reason, I'll respectful listen and abide.

What got me banned was sharing the exact scenario above and again, accused of being another salesmen, this time for a seed company. And I asked ,"if you're saying my negative reviews are fake, so you delete the posts but yet leave the positive (obvious fakes) reviews but those couldn't be fake?" It was surreal. The mods saying they're not a sponsor yet the banner is right there. So if they're not a sponsor, why are you deleting my posts? I wasn't cussing or bashing. I asked, "what other avenues do I have to get my money or proper seeds? Lawsuit? Well I guess that's a threat. BANNED. Can't even question or vent. Sometimes when people feel they've been robbed of hundreds of dollars, they can get a little accusational.

Anyways, I know this is a long thread, but I had to get it off my chest. I feel like I was brainwashed for several months. The environment was so overly happy and joyful, like stepford wives or something. It all revolved around kissing ass for free gear. Any little hint of a bad experience from a sponsor was immediately deleted and the user was banned.

So , this is my introduction, and you'll never read a rant again by mine hand. Only fat buds and serious grows and maybe an attitude here or there. So, happy growing all!

I need a shower.
I wasn't giving you crap, it just sounded like you needed to let that out is all. Your all good man, the interweb is a strange place, lol. You get the same bs here too though. If you're not into arguing with people, avoid the politics section. If you find yourself in the toke n talk section, your gonna get hazed a lil. Just ask them how many dicks they can fit in their mouth, and you'll be good to go.
I wasn't giving you crap, it just sounded like you needed to let that out is all. Your all good man, the interweb is a strange place, lol. You get the same bs here too though. If you're not into arguing with people, avoid the politics section. If you find yourself in the toke n talk section, your gonna get hazed a lil. Just ask them how many dicks they can fit in their mouth, and you'll be good to go.

Man that's a breath of fresh air!

Thanks dude, I've got thick skin. Sometimes I don't know when to shut up tho and can get kinda smart ass sounding but only on rare occasions. Overall I'm really easy going, unless it's prior to 10am or I don't have any weed haha
Thing that really bugs me tho is the roughly 2 months that I put into a grow journal .

I still have all the pics, so ill try to get going on one here.
Thanks and nice to meet you. .

Yeah, after reading it, I feel the same

But its like that movie, "the crying game" or "ace Ventura pet detective", where he's in the shower crying in the fetal position.
Hahaha. "The Crying Game". My ex girlfriend made me go see that in the theater with her. I feel your pain. Welcome.
I wasn't giving you crap, it just sounded like you needed to let that out is all. Your all good man, the interweb is a strange place, lol. You get the same bs here too though. If you're not into arguing with people, avoid the politics section. If you find yourself in the toke n talk section, your gonna get hazed a lil. Just ask them how many dicks they can fit in their mouth, and you'll be good to go.

Lol..sound advice.I burst into laughter once I got to the last sentence Mac.
I wasn't giving you crap, it just sounded like you needed to let that out is all. Your all good man, the interweb is a strange place, lol. You get the same bs here too though. If you're not into arguing with people, avoid the politics section. If you find yourself in the toke n talk section, your gonna get hazed a lil. Just ask them how many dicks they can fit in their mouth, and you'll be good to go.
No shit. I didn't even know we had a Politics section here until I accidentally stumbled onto it. No Thanks. They're a different breed.
Speaking of politics, the only thing NOT destroyed in the middle east are the pot farms lol

Google "where Isis gets it's weed". It's actually a pretty cool article about all the ancient cannabis farms in that area.
You can bitch a bit over at Seed and Strain Reviews I think there's a thread there just for such items tho you might want to see if those guys come thru before bashing them too badly. Sux to have to post an Oops retraction. ;)

Welcome To RIU!

You can bitch a bit over at Seed and Strain Reviews I think there's a thread there just for such items tho you might want to see if those guys come thru before bashing them too badly. Sux to have to post an Oops retraction. ;)

Welcome To RIU!


Yeah I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt right now with some time to see if they make true on their word
My lord that Hindu Kush stretched like a mofo

They both popped first out of 5 regular seeds. Probably males. Going to save one for pollen. They're growing like beasts .

Pics below. Possible males top pic, possible female bottom pic (with a deformed HK slightly out of frame below the WW). Males look a little weird due to a PH problem in water I think . My ph meter was off. I adjusted last night and they're already looking a bit better this morning

IMG_20190615_084337.jpg IMG_20190615_084330.jpg
Welcome blaze! total oppisite here, i think we encourage arguing here but its all for the love of growing. If im not banned yet , i prolly wont be. I speak my mind and dont care who thinnks what. some will run to argue , others will agree, blah blah but NO FAKE ass dick sucking to get free shit. I dont know if we give freebies away or not....im sure we do but im not following someone and dick riding just to get freebies. I got bashed for saying nirvana sucked and one person didnt like it....slight argument but he wasnt a sales rep either , just a basic dude like us who had good luck with nirvana. no big deal...:bigjoint:
Welcome blaze! total oppisite here, i think we encourage arguing here but its all for the love of growing. If im not banned yet , i prolly wont be. I speak my mind and dont care who thinnks what. some will run to argue , others will agree, blah blah but NO FAKE ass dick sucking to get free shit. I dont know if we give freebies away or not....im sure we do but im not following someone and dick riding just to get freebies. I got bashed for saying nirvana sucked and one person didnt like it....slight argument but he wasnt a sales rep either , just a basic dude like us who had good luck with nirvana. no big deal...:bigjoint:

I feel ya man. In the heat of the moment, things can get fairly vocal or insultive, especially if any individual feels cheated or otherwise. Its how we handle ourselves afterwards that determines who we are, or how to proceed, whether proven wrong or not. Just my opinion anyways.

Allot of people nowadays bitch about the dumbest shit. Like blaming seed companies for customs problems. Given, some seed companies need to update their stealth but really once the package leaves the station, its pretty much outta their hands.

Or complaining about not getting a mail order in 5 days or less. .lol freaking Amazon has spoiled an entire generation of self serving , self entitled whiners. I understand if you order something expecting it on a certain day and the seller promised to get it there prior to that day, but c'mon. 1 and 2 day FREE shipping is a logistical nightmare! I ordered something from Amazon the other morning and it was at my house by 5 pm that same day. Pretty cool but at same time it's an almost self defeating scenario where eventually the system will implode, or things will become so much faster than they are, this world will burn to a crisp.

Wait what were we talking about again?