3 Strain Outdoor Grow Semi Organic {Previously "Triple Threat"}


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Once I get around to it (currently in the middle of trying to finish the damned flower tent), I'll post my progress here,

The grow is roughly 43 days in I think? I started with freshly rooted clones, Gorilla Glue #4, Do Si Dos, Orange Cookies, and vegged indoors for a month under a 100w 2 foot 4 bulb T5, recently added a 100w full speftrum LED. The girls went outdoors in mid May I think. There was a slight fear that it was too early for them to go out and that they might begin to flower but they've been out a month now and just now have started to show signs of early flowering. I don't know if its the strains and they're at mature sexual peak(if thats even a thing), local area, the fact we've had nothing but over cast marine layer days for last 4 months as its been a super cool and moist spring and early summer or that I DID put them out too early but highly doubt it since they just now started flowering.

There are six in total as that is the "legal" flowering limit in my area but I have had my Doctors Rec for 20 years now and suffer from nerve damage from prior accidents and multiple fractures, severe pain that Ive been dealing with since high school. Its an unseen curse but I've gotten so "numb" to dealing with this pain that I can hold a lighter to my hand for an hour without feeling anything. Its the pain in my heart that gets me brothers and sisters. The pain in my heart...

Anyways, total of 6, 2 of each strain. I've put 4 in 3 gallon fabric pots and 2 in ground. Ive topped 2 and et the rest grow normal, well kinda. The in ground Orange Cookies I kinda did a ghetto SoG... I pinned it down under a tomato railing that I put up to kinda keep the feral cats away and now Ive basically continued with sectioned/cut pieces of rubber coated clothes hangers. Check pics later, its actually starting to pay off and look really good, the growth is starting to pick up a bit.

I'll go into nutrient regime and post pics later but here is a quick recap of the last 43 days I think? I'll be back to post more!! Feel free to comment but keep it R rated please and insults to a minimum. Feel free to give advice also, I could use it! Out door plants are looking great but my in door young-ins are looking a little peckish.

Also, keep an eye out for a separate thread detailing a 3'x 2' 48" 200w LED Mother/Clone tent.
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Semi organic ? You got to explain that one.

Im still learning the outdoors and soil amendments, living soil, etc...

When I first began this journey, I was versed in the indoor Hydro ways and was not too familiar with outdoor. As I began gathering the supplies, I had help from the local hydro store where Ive been shopping for a couple decades now on and off. So I felt confortable and told the sales guy to help me with outdoor organic nutes. He sold me some House and Garden 1 Component Soil and said it was "organic". Well, Im somewhat OCD and thirst for knowledge, so I researched it after I got home and I dont think its truly organic. It has an organic base but with other non organic. I really am still not sure actually but I know it works GREAT lol

Im also using other things. Ill get to that later but basically FOR VEG its Roots Organic Potting Soil, Happy Frog Bone Meal with fungi, Mad Farmer B1, Roots Excelurator Gold, Earth Juice Micros and I added extra worm castings and fermented a Dandelion tea.

I dosed the soil in each 3 gallon pot with the Bone Meal prior to planting up. Wednesdays are feeding days with pure water in between weekly as needed.

Soon I think a change in nutrient schedule will be needed. FOR FLOWER is, Kelp Meal, Mad Farmer B1, 'maybe' a higher does of the 1 component but Im unsure, Mother Earth Organic Tea, in between watering with fresh blended Aloe Vera, pure water and coconut water. Later in flower and finishing with micro doses of Fox Farm Open Sesame, Beastie Blooms, and Cha Ching (I know theyre not organic).

The flower nutrient schedule is just and idea, so please critique away.
You should learn how to grow in super soil. It’s like cooking in a crockpot. Frees you up for your regular life stuff and a better quality bud in the end. True organics don’t come from a bottle cause that shit is processed, probably heated and Shit to get it in it’s final form in the bottle.
And remember KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Not disrespect, it a saying in organic growing circles. Less is more. That’s a lot of shit you adding to your plant.
You should learn how to grow in super soil. It’s like cooking in a crockpot. Frees you up for your regular life stuff and a better quality bud in the end. True organics don’t come from a bottle cause that shit is processed, probably heated and Shit to get it in it’s final form in the bottle.

Yeah I agree, Super Soil is on my list and Ive heard nothing but good things about it. Its like soil before corporations got involved and mother nature was left to her own devices right? lol

Im currently reading about "no till" soil. A nice cover crop of beneficial weeds, greens, wild flowers, etc... just left to trim down and die, regrow, etc... Like a bog kinda I guess. Basically just plant your plant, feed with some good teas or other similar mixes to feed the soil microbe activity and let the soil do the work!

The House and Garden is ok tho, its convenient thats for sure but I probably could have got the same results with a tea or straight Kelp. Well, hopefully with help from others, by next years outdoor grow, I can be in a position to work with Super Soil and real "organics"

I could imagine a 100% organic grow with a nice Super Skunk or OG Kush, Afghan Haze. something stinky and dirty
And remember KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Not disrespect, it a saying in organic growing circles. Less is more. That’s a lot of shit you adding to your plant.

Yeah I use KISS quite often and as I get older, I keep it simpler haha

Ive made too many mistakes in past grows to know less is more but sometimes I still go a bit over board. Good intentions pave the road to hell as they say. It is also paved with many a scorched and dead plant
This morning. .. crazy little buds already for mid June huh?

From top pic down, Do Si Dos (potted) Orange Cookies (in ground), GG4 (in ground), GG4 (topped potted)

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They look good bro. Approach them like they are your young children when you care and feed then. You wouldn’t shove tons of food down your kids throats. You want them to have balanced diet so they can grow healthy. Give them what they need and be patient with the process.
They look good bro. Approach them like they are your young children when you care and feed then. You wouldn’t shove tons of food down your kids throats. You want them to have balanced diet so they can grow healthy. Give them what they need and be patient with the process.

Thank you for the compliment...Also, you make a very good point . As I'm going along, I think what you just said is the best way.

On your other point about Super Soil, I found a company called KIS. Well that's the name of their living soil anyways. Kinda expensive tho but they bring up the same points you do. Feed the soil, not plant also

When I start my flower nutrients, I'll keep that in mind. How does a Kelp base with an organic tea sound? Same soil with the bone meal added. I don't think I can resist the urge to use that Fox Farms Beastie Blooms trio tho!

God willing thers always next grow right?
Kelp is one of the best things to use in organics, especially in flower. Full of growth hormones, extra K, helps your plants handle stress, heat, cold, and fight off diseases. Taper off in late flower though. Kelp from seed to late flower. My last grow, I put 3-4 drops of kelp in a glass of water, dropped my seeds in it for about 16-18 hours then put them in rapid rooters and they germed 24 hours later.
Wish I could like your posts bro! I can't seem to find that option. Maybe I'm still too new?

Anyways , I never knew kelp was so freaking miraculous! I'm about 7 miles from the beach. I know it ain't Norwegian but I can get pounds of it fur free. You think it would be ok? Hose it down in the driveway then dry out? Or would kelp from southern CA beaches be to polluted?

Oh yah, and I was thinking about adding some fresh aloe Vera, blended and diluted with pure water once a week
Thank you for the compliment...Also, you make a very good point . As I'm going along, I think what you just said is the best way.

On your other point about Super Soil, I found a company called KIS. Well that's the name of their living soil anyways. Kinda expensive tho but they bring up the same points you do. Feed the soil, not plant also

When I start my flower nutrients, I'll keep that in mind. How does a Kelp base with an organic tea sound? Same soil with the bone meal added. I don't think I can resist the urge to use that Fox Farms Beastie Blooms trio tho!

God willing thers always next grow right?
The thing is to be better each new grow. Do a journal every grow bro. Use like a day planner, write down what you fed it, how much, or if you used just plain water, ph going in, temps, appearance. If you do this every day, when something is weird, you can usually pinpoint the problem from your journal.
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Wish I could like your posts bro! I can't seem to find that option. Maybe I'm still too new?

Anyways , I never knew kelp was so freaking miraculous! I'm about 7 miles from the beach. I know it ain't Norwegian but I can get pounds of it fur free. You think it would be ok? Hose it down in the driveway then dry out? Or would kelp from southern CA beaches be to polluted?

Oh yah, and I was thinking about adding some fresh aloe Vera, blended and diluted with pure water once a week
Wash it really well to remove the salts, chop it up and then compost it.
The this is to be better each new grow. Do a journal every grow bro. Use like a day planner, write down what you fed it, how much, or if you used just plain water, ph going in, temps, appearance. If you do this every day, when something is weird, you can usually pinpoint the problem from your journal.

Yes, funny you mention that because I was just reminding myself to write things down! I'm going scatter brained trying to dial in my flower tent, worry about the outdoors, and watch where all my current Amazon orders/ returns are at. Plus I'm a caregiver for granny and work a full time job.

I need to slow down and organize my thoughts. Thanks for the help man! I seriously got more help from you and this site in one day than I got in 3 months over at 420... not to bash the ppl that did help me tho
Wish I could like your posts bro! I can't seem to find that option. Maybe I'm still too new?

Anyways , I never knew kelp was so freaking miraculous! I'm about 7 miles from the beach. I know it ain't Norwegian but I can get pounds of it fur free. You think it would be ok? Hose it down in the driveway then dry out? Or would kelp from southern CA beaches be to polluted?

Oh yah, and I was thinking about adding some fresh aloe Vera, blended and diluted with pure water once a week
Make sure to read up on everything, everything. Just because someone in a forum suggests something, don’t just run with it. Validate it by reading. Google is the greatest thing bro. Confirm and validate every fucking thing you do.
Make sure to read up on everything, everything. Just because someone in a forum suggests something, don’t just run with it. Validate it by ready. Google is the greatest thing bro. Confirm and validate every fucking thing you do.

Right, gotcha... that's another thing that bugs me. How quick some growers are to just run with something that they've not researched at all and then pass that info to others as if they were 30yo growing pros!

Example, kinda. Getting an order of seeds from a company without breeders packs and without growing them yet, give glowing reviews and heap praises up praises. Now maybe the seeds are legit but at the same time, without proper fact checking, they're just random seeds at that point!

I'm rambling again, I'll shut up now lol peace out!