Tangilope and Vortex Outdoor grow 2019


Well-Known Member
I started the Tangilope clone in the ground on June 6 and put the Black DOG clone in the ground June 9. I have a pic of the Tangilope when I put it in and the next week, but I didn't get a pic of the black DOG the day I planted it. The Tangilope was about 6" tall and the Black DOG was about 11" tall.
Tangilope 6/6
Tangilope 6_6 R.jpg
Tangilope 6/14
Tangilope 6_14_19 R.jpg
Black DOG 6/14
Black DOG 6_14_19 R.jpg


Well-Known Member
OK, I have a Black DOG finishing indoors and I topped it today. What I realized was that it has very tight buds and a very high leaf to bud ratio, SO I pulled the Black DOG and put a Vortex in it's place. I wanted to change my title, but haven't found anywayfor me to do that myself. I posted to one of the administartors to see if they can do it for me or tell me how I can do it.
From this point on it will be,
"Tangilope and Vortex Outdoor grow 2019"
This is Vortex 6_21 @ 10" tall
Vortex Outdoors 6_21_19.jpg


Well-Known Member
Big thanks to Rollitup for editing my title. The problem with the Black DOG and tight nugs I have is here in VT come fall it's always damp and tight budded Indicas tend to mold out badly, so I switched to Vortex which is mostly sativa and has airy buds. We'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Tangilope is getting slightly taller, but slowly. If keeps raining here, lucky if we get two days in a row without rain. My idea to use the garden fabric may not be a good idea this early season, it's just helping to hold moisture in. You can see what the down pour of rain did to one fan leaf, beat it right into the cage. Anyway, here is a pic from 6/21 of the Tangilope.
Tangilope 6/21
Tangilope OD 6_21_19.jpg

ky farmer

Well-Known Member
Tangilope is getting slightly taller, but slowly. If keeps raining here, lucky if we get two days in a row without rain. My idea to use the garden fabric may not be a good idea this early season, it's just helping to hold moisture in. You can see what the down pour of rain did to one fan leaf, beat it right into the cage. Anyway, here is a pic from 6/21 of the Tangilope.
Tangilope 6/21
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top them plants and you will get moor buds off your plants and pinch out the end of every limbs.


Well-Known Member
Tangilope has dug in and is starting to reach for the sun. Vortex is not getting much sun so she isn't climbing yet.
Tangilope 6_27_19
Tangilope 6_29.jpg
Vortex 6_27_19
Vortex 6_29.jpg



Well-Known Member
It's been about 9 days since last pics. Last pic with the yard stick for Tangilope and the Vortex is working hard to get up to where the sun will hit her more, but still only 22". I haven't feed them anything yet, but spraying them with Neem oil to keep the bugs off. I will probably give them a meal sometime this week.
Tangilope 7_7_19
Tangilope Out 7_7_19 01.jpg
Vortex 7_7_19
Vortex Out 7_7_19.jpg


Well-Known Member
OK, it's been over a week since last pics, what a slacker!
I was hoping the Tangilope you would be at 6' by now so it could get more sun, but she is at 52" and the Vortex has crept up to 32". The Whiteflies have shown up this year, Neem oil to the rescue.
Tangilope 7_16_19 @52"
Tangilope 7_16_19  52Inch.jpg
Vortex 7_16_19 @32"
Vortex 7_16_19 32Inch.jpg


Well-Known Member
TheTangilope has made it up to 56", I was hopiing for 6' by now but I think the constant rain this year has slowed it's root growth.
The Vortex has made a good leap to 46" tall now and looks to be enjoying life!
Tangilope 7_26_19
Tangilope 7_26.jpg
Vortex 7_26_19
Vortex 7_26.jpg