Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Do any of you expect Sanders to run the government on his own?

If he does, he's an authoritarian..

If he doesn't, he hasn't accomplished anything.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect Sanders to run anything. With such a long political career devoid of accomplishments, anyone would be a fools to put their hopes in him to accomplish anything meaningful.


Well-Known Member
You mean in the three years during which Democrats are the minority in the Senate and Trump is prez?

Don't make me laugh (too late)

Like it or not, she has a strong record of leadership as an AG in California. When I've listened to her talk about current issues, she has been very forthright and clear. Her statements don't shy from difficult issues. What got my attention was her forthright and logical statements during the reparations debate when she said one major area to address, possibly with funding, is trauma from all the years of abuse of black men, women and children at the hands of white society. It's not much but she said it better than others.

I'm waiting to see her on stage next to other candidates before I make up my mind. She has some really offensive baggage to overcome from her AG days too, so I'm not as comfortable with her as I am Warren.
You support Harris based on a single issue that polls less than 50%, even among Democrats..


Well-Known Member
You support Harris based on a single issue that polls less than 50%, even among Democrats..
I don't support Harris. If I decide to support Harris, it will be for better reasons than ones I give for why she has stood out and deserves more attention.

What a shitty stupid post, pad.

You sound mighty desperate.

Defending an inept bumbler with lies and false logic will do that to an intelligent person and you are not that.


Well-Known Member
I don't support Harris. If I decide to support Harris, it will be for better reasons than ones I give for why she has stood out and deserves more attention.

What a shitty stupid post, pad.

You sound mighty desperate.

Defending an inept bumbler with lies and false logic will do that to an intelligent person and you are not that.
K, so take a stand. Stop being a giant gaping vagina. Who do you support? Are you too stupid to know what positions each candidate stands for, even this late in the race? If you are, nobody should care who you support because you're not competent enough to pick.

Ya gonna keep pretending like you don't know what each candidate supports, all the way up until the Democratic nominee is chosen, then hop on his/her balls/ovaries like the bandwagon darlin' we all know you to be?

Don't do that. Pick a horse next post. Show a little conviction


Well-Known Member
Sanders has the most individual (less than $200) donors in history
A renamed post office and solar heating on a few government buildings. That's it. 16 years of service, during which Democrats had a majority for half of that time.

You have very low expectations if you applaud small donors and an empty record from 16 years of service in the Senate.


Well-Known Member
K, so take a stand. Stop being a giant gaping vagina. Who do you support? Are you too stupid to know what positions each candidate stands for, even this late in the race? If you are, nobody should care who you support because you're not competent enough to pick.

Ya gonna keep pretending like you don't know what each candidate supports, all the way up until the Democratic nominee is chosen, then hop on his/her balls/ovaries like the bandwagon darlin' we all know you to be?

Don't do that. Pick a horse next post. Show a little conviction
LOL, you can't measure your dick against mine because yours don't work.

I'll make up my mind when its time and not before.

There's a snake biting your dick, btw.



Well-Known Member
Dumbass. You still don't get it.

Let's hold Pelosi accountable to zero climate change resolutions.

You won't because you suck her handlers dicks
Sanders has been in office in the Senate for 16 years, 8 of which were controlled by Democrats and all he has to show for it is a renamed post office and some solar water heaters on federal buildings. If Pelose were running for the nomination, you post would make sense. As it is, your post makes none, just like that idiotic post claiming I support Harris.


Well-Known Member
I'll make up my mind when its time and not before.
Yeah, just like I said, as soon as your handlers tell you who to support, that's when you'll levy your support. Not before, because you're a gigantic gaping vagina coward

You have no backbone, you have no principles. You only go with whoever is in charge tells you to go with


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just like I said, as soon as your handlers tell you who to support, that's when you'll levy your support. Not before, because you're a gigantic gaping vagina coward

You have no backbone, you have no principles. You only go with whoever is in charge tells you to go with
Do tell.

You sound desperate.