Setting up a new room 7`x14`


Well-Known Member
Run them both on the temp controller they need to kick off and on at same time. If you exhaust air it has to be replaced from somewhere and it sounds like you sealed your room up pretty tight so I'd just have them both kick on at same time. Might need like a small power strip (the ones with like 3 outlets but no switch) to plug both fans into the same place on controller.
Ya this makes sense, i just wasnt sure i could plug both into a dual plug adapter and then into the controller, but i guess the controller is just turning whatever is plugged in on and off as it hits the set temps. Maybe ill try it this way, as renfro said, i can always switch it around if i need or want to. So exhaust the hot air and replace it with cool outside air. Seems like a winning formula lol

Maybe let the exhaust run all the time for fresh air and put the intake on the temp controller? Really you can change it around and see what works so it's not that big a deal.
My only concern with exhaust running all the time is keeping RH and temps up..... im gonna try it like Apalchen suggested first, see how that works, if not, as you say, i can just change it.

Thanks fellas


Well-Known Member
You could even get something like this:

Put both fans on it, if it can handle the amps. Set it up so the fans speed up when the temp hits a certain point and they slow down for fresh air when the temps aren't high. I have no experience with this item and I don't know if it will make the motor groan and there may be better brands with similar function so do some research if you go this route.


Well-Known Member
You could even get something like this:

Put both fans on it, if it can handle the amps. Set it up so the fans speed up when the temp hits a certain point and they slow down for fresh air when the temps aren't high. I have no experience with this item and I don't know if it will make the motor groan and there may be better brands with similar function so do some research if you go this route.
Oh this also looks interesting, may look into something like this if i find the other ways not working well in keeping the environment in check.

If you find that you don't have to vent much to control the temps then you can put in some co2.
Ya im not real sure yet how the temps are gonna be, will know more over next few days after lights and everything has been running for a bit. I dont expect to have to vent much to be honest, but thats mostly guessing and not based on anything factual lol


Well-Known Member
My gavita controller is supposed to control fans but only ec fans and I've yet to see one that will plug into it (looks like telephone jack) I dunno they also list a part to run old fans on it on the gavita website but can't find us version for sale anywhere. Anyways it does the same thing as that other controller where it ramps up and down with the controller. But I'd say your best bet is just to hook up to temp control, does it have a photo cell for day night temp? If so you should be good to go with that as it should kick on enough to replace the fresh air. I have my exhaust fan set on timer to run when lights off and every couple hours with lights on and that seems to be plenty of fresh air, my girls are blowing up.


Well-Known Member
Run them both on the temp controller they need to kick off and on at same time. If you exhaust air it has to be replaced from somewhere and it sounds like you sealed your room up pretty tight so I'd just have them both kick on at same time. Might need like a small power strip (the ones with like 3 outlets but no switch) to plug both fans into the same place on controller.
If i do it this way, how will i control RH?

will i also need dehuey running during lights on? i was hoping to use exhaust when rh hit high #s and then intake for cool air. Have dehuey run at lights out to keep heat in the room and rh down.

If i run dehuey during lights on it will add quite a bit more heat, but if thats what i have to do, thats what ill do. Just set dehuey at whatever % i want and let it turn off and on as it needs 24/7


Well-Known Member
My gavita controller is supposed to control fans but only ec fans and I've yet to see one that will plug into it (looks like telephone jack) I dunno they also list a part to run old fans on it on the gavita website but can't find us version for sale anywhere. Anyways it does the same thing as that other controller where it ramps up and down with the controller. But I'd say your best bet is just to hook up to temp control, does it have a photo cell for day night temp? If so you should be good to go with that as it should kick on enough to replace the fresh air. I have my exhaust fan set on timer to run when lights off and every couple hours with lights on and that seems to be plenty of fresh air, my girls are blowing up.

this is the controller i have


Well-Known Member
I think you will be just fine running the dehuey during your lights on. My ac recently went out and in a room roughly same size 8x11 I was able to run 3000 watts (4x750) and keep the temps under control with venting. My intake air was 66 degrees and I think I remember you saying your intake was 64 so I don't think you will have an issue cooling the lights and dehuey.


Well-Known Member
I think you will be just fine running the dehuey during your lights on. My ac recently went out and in a room roughly same size 8x11 I was able to run 3000 watts (4x750) and keep the temps under control with venting. My intake air was 66 degrees and I think I remember you saying your intake was 64 so I don't think you will have an issue cooling the lights and dehuey.
Ok so i can just plug the dehuey in as normal, no timer, just set it to my desired % and leave it to run 24/7 as it needs to?

Then run intake and exhaust off controller(temp side)

Yes, our night time temps are normally cool, even in middle of summer. Currently out night temps are between 40-50...middle of summer they will usually range between 55-70 at the highest(very rare lol)


Well-Known Member
I run my dehuey all the time it kicks on and off with the built in humidstat. I want an inkbird controller but not gonna worry about it while still venting. I blew thru my room build budget and didn't have the money for c02 or tables yet so running on the floor and venting on a timer. So far so good but I'd like to add a natural gas burner. I would just do tanks but since I have venting capabilities I can just vent a couple times a day to get rid of gas build ups and I think it will still be cheaper than tanks.


Well-Known Member
Thats how I run my dehuey.
Standalone. (I fried a dehuey connected to my controller....did not like being powered on/off all the time)
For most of flower my dehuey is only needed during lights out.

Lights on....I need to do light fogging to keep rh up at times. ( rh % controller controlled)


Well-Known Member
Thats how I run my dehuey.
Standalone. (I fried a dehuey connected to my controller....did not like being powered on/off all the time)
For most of flower my dehuey is only needed during lights out.

Lights on....I need to do light fogging to keep rh up at times. ( rh % controller controlled)
Yep I need to find a better humidifier cause even with mine running I struggled to keep the rh up u til the canopy starts to fill up. But I will say I feel like I'm off to a good start, running at 81 degrees lights on and 71 lights off with 65 day time humidity and 50 night time humidity. 18 days in from the flip and I starting to get interesting. At 14 days from flip my bud development looked like day 21 on my normal runs. They seem to like it hot and humid.


Well-Known Member
Thats how I run my dehuey.
Standalone. (I fried a dehuey connected to my controller....did not like being powered on/off all the time)
For most of flower my dehuey is only needed during lights out.

Lights on....I need to do light fogging to keep rh up at times. ( rh % controller controlled)
This has been my struggle aswell. Keeping rh up during lights on and keeping it down while off and trying to keep temps up for lights out

So I guess running dehuey 24-7 at set % is the answer


Well-Known Member
We have plants under lights

Still bunch of odds and ends left to do, in process of hooking up exhaust right now. Will hook up enviro controller after that.

The open end is for the last table that's not built yet, neither is the light



Well-Known Member
Not much heat coming from these lights. seems to be stuck on 75f...RH only 55%, so dont want dehuey running.

Where am i gonna get another 8-10f from?

Also can i just wash the outer cover of the carbon filter in the washing machine? or do it by hand?


Well-Known Member
Washing machine on gentle works.

Might have to toss a CMH or HPS in there and run it on a thermostat so it adds heat and bonus light. lol Get some spectrum blend.
haha i was gonna suggest adding my 315 cmh in there for a little spectrum boost and some heat. Thats what ill prob do. Altho not sure how id place it over the tables. Any advice on where to put it?
Ya i expected this room to stay on the cooler side, not 75 tho, thats lower than i expected. Co2 sounds fun, if you say i can do it, ima do it lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah you might have to do it as side lighting somehow. Gonna have to get creative lol. Or just add a shit ton more LED

If you run the added lighting on a thermostat thats hooked to the timer you will be able to get the warmth you need but not more. If you can avoid venting very often then go for the CO2.

You could just hang a vertical 400 or 600 watt HPS in there and let it just blast the whole room, not the most efficient way to light but IMO better than running a heater and getting no added light for the wattage. I would use a HPS just because that far red is good for yields.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you might have to do it as side lighting somehow. Gonna have to get creative lol. Or just add a shit ton more LED

If you run the added lighting on a thermostat thats hooked to the timer you will be able to get the warmth you need but not more. If you can avoid venting very often then go for the CO2.

You could just hang a vertical 400 or 600 watt HPS in there and let it just blast the whole room, not the most efficient way to light but IMO better than running a heater and getting no added light for the wattage. I would use a HPS just because that far red is good for yields.
No heaters, ill line the walls and floor with more lights before i use a heater lol

Vertical hps? is that a specific bulb and socket to run vertical?

Can a cmh be ran anyway but other than the normal way? ie: vertical?

I guess ill have to get the other light built asap too.