Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

oh damn, had no idea - why is that? i picture the water with an air stone running and it's billions of bubbles... while waterfall usually has like 10 big bubbles comin up

Air stones pump oxygen into the water, but the water can only hold so much dissolved oxygen, and that decreases with higher temps. Other gases are also also dissolved into the water. The water is still stagnant.

A waterfall makes gas exhange much better, which keeps more oxygen in the water and the water stays cooler as it can reduce heat buildup from circulation. Think of it like a thermostat vs no thermostat.
I started using a DWC bubbler cloner that S2C helped me build. It’s a plastic tote, pump, some airstones, and some rubber mat flooring to hold the clones up in the system.

I’ve taken like 20-30 clones haven’t had one not take root. It’s simple. And it’s a set and forget set up. Once they’re in the cloner I don’t fuck with them until they’ve rooted.
Can you please post pics of the set up
Nvm I looked it up . It be hard to get more oxygen to roots when bucket is to full of roots

I don't see why it would be hard to get oxygen to them, but you would need a pump for every bucket.

You wouldn't need a fish pump, just a circulating pump. They are much smaller.
I don't see why it would be hard to get oxygen to them, but you would need a pump for every bucket.

You wouldn't need a fish pump, just a circulating pump. They are much smaller.
Idk just thinking out load . The air stones do fine . I can’t even see bubbles on surface anymore . To many roots