Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has the ability to herm, reg or fem. Some genetics are more predisposed to herm than others. Has nothing to do with reg or fem though.
Monkey, I guess I'm trying to understand so I don't end up with trouble down the road. The last guy I spoke to said that FEM seeds are mutations, and that if you keep cloning from them you can have trouble. Said to stick to regs, and get a female that way. Then clone from those. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Monkey, I guess I'm trying to understand so I don't end up with trouble down the road. The last guy I spoke to said that FEM seeds are mutations, and that if you keep cloning from them you can have trouble. Said to stick to regs, and get a female that way. Then clone from those. Thoughts?
Female seeds arent mutations. They are created by giving female pollen to a female plant. You get the pollen from the female by using colloidal silver. The resulting seeds have 99% chance of being female. Hermie traits are strain and stress caused. Not due to how they are bred necessarily. Am I right 3M?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Monkey, I guess I'm trying to understand so I don't end up with trouble down the road. The last guy I spoke to said that FEM seeds are mutations, and that if you keep cloning from them you can have trouble. Said to stick to regs, and get a female that way. Then clone from those. Thoughts?
Cannabis has the innate ability to herm, it's no mutation. It's what brought the plant through the dark ages. It's survival instinct.

Some strains are more prone to herm than others due to the weed craze where people focus more on profit then genetics, do they never really stabilize them.

Either way, most herms are the result of stress. The amount of stress a plant can take before it herms is genetic.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... I"m really not interested in breeding anything, although the topic is very interesting. I really need to focus on growing. As long as I'm buying FEM from good source, I shouldn't run into any problems cloning?


Well-Known Member
Let me rephrase that a bit, I shouldn't have problems from the genetic stand point. As you stated environment stress and such is where most focus would need to be to prevent problems.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... I"m really not interested in breeding anything, although the topic is very interesting. I really need to focus on growing. As long as I'm buying FEM from good source, I shouldn't run into any problems cloning?
You should always strive for the best genetics, regardless of your endeavor. You can be the best grower in the world, but shit genetics will yield shit buds.

Some strains are easier/harder to clone than others. Clones are exact copies of their mother. You can run clones forever, it doesn't water down like some people claim.


Well-Known Member
People buy female seeds so they dont waste time and money growing males. Both can hermie, sometimes the reg seeds have a higher tendency to herm than a fem seed, its all genetics like 3M said. Males are only useful for breeding so I say the common sense answer for you would probably be to get fem seeds whenever available. Not all strains are available in fem version.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know I asked that a few ways but I needed to be very clear. Thank you guys... it seemed ridiculous to me for the banks to sell them, if there was a flaw in them genetically to get them to be FEM, growers just wouldn't want them. Monkey isn't they only person I heard hammering genetics. It wasn't making sense in my mind. If I have a good female plant that is healthy, I should be able to cut it as long as I want.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Ok, I know I asked that a few ways but I needed to be very clear. Thank you guys... it seemed ridiculous to me for the banks to sell them, if there was a flaw in them genetically to get them to be FEM, growers just wouldn't want them. Monkey isn't they only person I heard hammering genetics. It wasn't making sense in my mind. If I have a good female plant that is healthy, I should be able to cut it as long as I want.
There are still cuts going around from 20-30 year old plants... same plants just clones to keep going over the years.

Stoners have more mythology than the Greeks.


Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you guys I don't mind work... I like keeping busy and making progress. Growing fits in with that. The most labor intensive part thus far has been sifting through what is BS. lol I know I'll learn more as I go, but like Monkey said above... folks have just developed these stories, and myths. I feel cannabis is a pretty reslient plant, so when these other theories and such dont kill their plants, it reinforces everything in their mind. Am I wrong? LOL