Bathroom exhaust fan, carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Guys I have a bathroom I can grow in. But it doesnt currently have an exhaust fan. I need to install something to exchange the air and hopefully fit a filter to it also. Is it possible to get a bathroom ceiling exhaust fan and have it push through a carbon filter in the attic? Any ideas where I might find such a setup?
I can run a vent out the side of the building although I dont see why it cant go into the attic. Its just to remove the odor from the grow. Its in a seperate buiding than my house. We are out in the boonies and dont go by all the building codes if you catch my drift.
Sounds like a great space.
Could be as easy as cutting a 6" hole, insert fan into hole, attach carbon filter to fan.
Better yet, if you have full access for maintenance.....install the fan and filter above ceiling level.
Adjust fan speed for intake/flow desired.
Any air exhausted will be odor free. You will still have odor in the grow room.
Thats what I want to do but i really dont know anything about the filters and fans. Can I run an inline one and push the air through the filter? Im planning on putting the fan and filter in the attic and making the vent look like a normal bathroom fan vent cover in the bathroom. Theres easy access to the attic area above the bathroom, that wont be a problem.

I just dont know what kind of fan I can use.
I can run a vent out the side of the building although I dont see why it cant go into the attic. Its just to remove the odor from the grow. Its in a seperate buiding than my house. We are out in the boonies and dont go by all the building codes if you catch my drift.
You guys are right, that sucks though I really want the filter sitting in the attic blowing out. Rather not have a filter showing in the bathroom. Just my fat dank plants when you go take a dump.
Its still totally an option, just have to install a fan that exhausts the attic.... but then ur doing 2 fans instead of just the one.

Its super common for the bath fan to exhaust out the roof, or side of building, and you should view it as an upgrade to the existing residence.

Its not grow specific, when you are done growing, its just a normal bathroom with a fully functioning properly installed bath vent fan.

Dont go cheap. Get the higher airflow of an expensive bath fan, or get a nice inline fan, and just install a vent/cover in the ceiling.

For optimim use, ur gonna want to be pulling the air thru the filter, not pushing it, but if ur running an inline 4-5" fan, that shouldnt be too big a problem... (if ur venting out the roof @ 12-15' its oribably not much a problem either...)

Roof vents are STUPID easy to install, just scary to first timers, trust a man whos gone thru it. They are cheap, and install in a few mins. Mark the spot inside the attic (drive a nail thru) then cut the hole from the top side (its about not fucking up the shingles from the underside) lift the shingles in the area directly around the hole (measurements for this will be given with the vent paperwork) and slide in UNDER the layer/row above the hole. (sorry, make sure u get the collar in place in the hole first before that, its easier, trust me, lol) Ring of roofing sealant (or 2 rings even!) around the hole, put vent in place, nail in place with roofing nails, and more sealant over each nail head.

Attach vent tubing in attic to the collar, crack a beer, and pat urself on the back.

I put one in where we had a leak from the previous owner having some kind of small antenna (not a dish, holes were too small) and it was removed..... but they didnt seal the holes. Couple months of dripping b4 I located the problem...

This is my suggestion to you for so many reasons. It looks legit, and is an actual upgrade ot the home, not some gerry-rigged craziness....

Depending on the light ur using (if its HPS for example) you will over heat the attic in a 12hr space just venting there, not to mention the ever important rule of displacement... if ur pushing air in, air must come out to compensate... so wheres that (now stanky how humid) air coming out at?
I can run the exhaust out the side but probably not the roof. We have a tile roof that doesnt leak knock on wood. I am handy and do the plumbing and electrical etc no big deal but dont wanna dick up my roof.

I use 1000W of COBs but they don't generate much heat.

I actually already have a fan blowing out in the attic on a thermostat. It doesnt run all the time and its like 250w so I dont want to have to use that. It just pulls air through the attick when it gets super hot.

What I really need is an inline carbon filter and fan. That would help make it easier.

What a pain just to scrub the air. I live out in BFE and dont even care if it smells but my neighbor is all anti pot so I have to try and keep it on the DL around him. He comes over to drink sometimes. Go figure.
Hi NirvanaMesa,
Sounds like an easily doable project. I wanted to add that Panasonic whisperline are excellent very quiet bathroom fans. I use the 240cfm one to vent my room.
Good luck,
Tell your neighbor you quit drinking and hit on his wife once or twice and they will leave ya alone. Filters work better when pulled thru, doesn't mean they won't work when blown thru but they do quit working in high humidity which your attic is sure to have.

You could hook up an exhaust on the gable of the attic.
Thats what I want to do but i really dont know anything about the filters and fans. Can I run an inline one and push the air through the filter? Im planning on putting the fan and filter in the attic and making the vent look like a normal bathroom fan vent cover in the bathroom. Theres easy access to the attic area above the bathroom, that wont be a problem.

I just dont know what kind of fan I can use.
In veg when they dont really stink...I dont waste my carbon filter...With a 600 and 1000 in summer...I run my flex tube into ceiling and vent right into the attic...I stick my head up there and carbon filter...flower...I get up there and attach my filter. I put my inline fan RIGHT to my light than flex tube through ceiling...than filter.
Youre losing cold AC from your house, but Im more worried about temps rather than 50 bucks on my elec bill...
Winter time...I run into the ceiling, and than pump it back into my hallway through a hole I cut into the attic access. My elec bill actually goes down in the winter.

Play around a little bit, youll figure out which is ideal for your girls
Hi NirvanaMesa,
Sounds like an easily doable project. I wanted to add that Panasonic whisperline are excellent very quiet bathroom fans. I use the 240cfm one to vent my room.
Good luck,
There’s the same one in my cabin. Very quiet and very efficient. It’s on a switch that you can set for how often it should come on and a switch next to it to turn it on for constant running. Really nice for controlling humidity.