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scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
nice snake, got any idea on what kind? some snakes are good to have around, like king and coachwhips....

wanna detire them, try using mothballs around the area....that what i did i at the shop, we caught 2 king snake so far.........haven't seen one around since i start used the mothballs....
that's a nor-cal coral type. not especially venomous but can still sometimes hurt when they bite. doggos and kitty cats are especially susceptible to those little fuckers attacks.

they are our enemies. we need to crush them, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women...


Well-Known Member
Need a sawed off 20 Ga. in a holster around there.
Hey dude. I’m going up to burned down P-town tomorrow. How many pots did you need? We can meet up wednesday. I gotta take Bear to the vet in Marysville he got ear infection.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
we don't have any dogs or cats on my farm so we tend to leave the rattlers alone. I've relocated several. they hunt rodents that eat MJ plants, they are doing a job for me.
yea, its usually all good until they fucking bite your golden retriever and you have to spend $3000 to keep them alive.

snakes are probably good people, but holy fuck just stop biting my dogs.......its expensive.