What did you accomplish today?

especially that last one don't think they like it when i pulled out a j and asked them if they wanted some........black widows, i used to have one as pet in an aquarium for a while.....let it go back into the wild.....mequitos...screw them they can all die a horrible firey death....
I'm told the way to deal with door evangelists is to answer it naked.

Erect if you can, uhm, swing it.
especially that last one don't think they like it when i pulled out a j and asked them if they wanted some........black widows, i used to have one as pet in an aquarium for a while.....let it go back into the wild.....mequitos...screw them they can all die a horrible firey death....
I think electrocution is more humane...


PS...i haven't tried it on evangelicals..
especially that last one don't think they like it when i pulled out a j and asked them if they wanted some........black widows, i used to have one as pet in an aquarium for a while.....let it go back into the wild.....mequitos...screw them they can all die a horrible firey death....
I trap and free all spiders in my house EXCEPT black widows. I terminate those with extreme prejudice.
I trap and free all spiders in my house EXCEPT black widows. I terminate those with extreme prejudice.

outside the house, be as free as you want. Inside the house......well that a whole different matter since i have grand kids sometimes that come over and animals inside......

now i do show my grand kids which kinda of spider is which, so that they know....still a little young but they are getting the hang of it...