Overcured weed


Well-Known Member
I believe the best moment to smoke our weed is about 2 or 3 months after harvest. I believe the peak in effect and flavor comes around after two months curing, but it depends on the strain (landraces, for example, need much more time). After that, you start to lose quality of effect, specially in sativas. And what you gain in smoothness is lost in flavor and aroma.

For some reason probably related with my stony brain, I forgot quite a lot (about 80g) of a fantastic sativa I harvested more than a year ago hidden in the bottom of a cupboard. The curing start date is registered as June 26th, so slightly more than a year. The weed is a Mextiza, sold by CBG years ago. A fresh, powerful and energetic sativa from Mexico.

Fortunately, after a year it still holds flavor and smell, I'll try to make a conclusion after I smoke all of it, but I guess that this weed isn't to be as good as it was some months ago. What do you think?


If you think humidity is the problem then take a mister and spray a cotton ball. Not wet just moist. Stick it in the jar or bag and check the next day. Restores the humidity. The longer you cure the better. Just keep it in the dark not exposed to any sunlight.
No, I don't think humidity is a problem. It's been stashed in a sealed space while the RH was optimal, now they burn well, not like a crisp, and they are very easy to smoke, very smooth. The buds aren't dry, they are just a little old. The temperature of storage was cool too.

It is curious that some people believe that the longer the better, while my experience with weeds cured for more than a year has yielded clear conclusions. I can't say the same for indicas, but for the sativas I know there is an inflection point where the effect changes from being active and fun to be sleepy and boring. I can't say this weed has reached its boredom point, but I've smoked extreme sativas like double jam, made from Jamaican landraces, that were sleepy after too much curing. Nobody would grow such difficult plants (a 20 weeker that produces very little) just for a sleepy feeling. Well, I have more examples of spoilt sativas, that is something I want to avoid. I believe freezing can help to delay the overcuring, maybe even for years.

No, I don't think humidity is a problem. It's been stashed in a sealed space while the RH was optimal, now they burn well, not like a crisp, and they are very easy to smoke, very smooth. The buds aren't dry, they are just a little old. The temperature of storage was cool too.

It is curious that some people believe that the longer the better, while my experience with weeds cured for more than a year has yielded clear conclusions. I can't say the same for indicas, but for the sativas I know there is an inflection point where the effect changes from being active and fun to be sleepy and boring. I can't say this weed has reached its boredom point, but I've smoked extreme sativas like double jam, made from Jamaican landraces, that were sleepy after too much curing. Nobody would grow such difficult plants (a 20 weeker that produces very little) just for a sleepy feeling. Well, I have more examples of spoilt sativas, that is something I want to avoid. I believe freezing can help to delay the overcuring, maybe even for years.

Do the buds look pretty brown? It's possible the majority of your THC has converted to CBN. I've seen that happen with long cures with my own buds. I also use new lids everytime I put buds in a jar. If that little red seal has a deep ring in it, it's not as sealed as it should be. Assuming you're using mason jars anyway.
Shelf life is synonamous with quality. Some people want to talk about pot like it's a head of lettuce. Umm.. . Grow better pot, stop moving the goal post. Every cup winner is at least 6 months old. If your bud peaks at 5 months i can already tell you grow the same quality as me. If your business peaks at 8 months i know you grow better pot than me. It's real simple.
Shelf life is synonamous with quality. Some people want to talk about pot like it's a head of lettuce. Umm.. . Grow better pot, stop moving the goal post. Every cup winner is at least 6 months old. If your bud peaks at 5 months i can already tell you grow the same quality as me. If your business peaks at 8 months i know you grow better pot than me. It's real simple.

Weed is not like wine, weed is a fresh product that has a limited shelf life, and the main reason is that the most important cannabinoids degrade significantly with time, as well as terpenes, that are volatile. If any of what you say was true, there will be a connoisseur market for weed cured for like 3 or 10 years, like there is in wines, but there is not, because that's not connoisseur weed, it is garbage. And you have no idea about which kind of weed I grow and how I grow it, so you are making a lot of wrong assumptions as well.
Do the buds look pretty brown? It's possible the majority of your THC has converted to CBN. I've seen that happen with long cures with my own buds. I also use new lids everytime I put buds in a jar. If that little red seal has a deep ring in it, it's not as sealed as it should be. Assuming you're using mason jars anyway.

Well, I posted some pictures for you to see. The buds are way fresher than I expected, when grinded they smell lemony like they used to do one year ago, maybe now the noble woods' smell is stronger. Darker than they were, but not brown at all.

Well, I posted some pictures for you to see. The buds are way fresher than I expected, when grinded they smell lemony like they used to do one year ago, maybe now the noble woods' smell is stronger. Darker than they were, but not brown at all.

My bad I forgot about the pics. Look at your trichs with a scope, I bet there's more brown than you think. I've never stored long term with the sugar leaves on either. But I would think that would effect flavor over buzz.
I like mine fresh. Dry it and smoke it. It's super smooth and all the terpenes are still there for max flavor. I think that weed grown well doesn't need a "cure". If I sure it for a long time I don't think it gets better, I think it looses flavor. But thats just me, smoke it how YOU like it. :)

I did notice you have some hair in your nugs, do you have adequate filtering on the grow room intake or is it coming in on your clothes? Pet hairs is a pet peeve of mine as I have 3 rotties. I am always sweeping up a spare dog around here. I run a vacuum in the grow rooms often to prevent hair, I only go into the grow room with clean clothes. If you smoke the hairs they will ruin the flavor of any fine nug.

Happy growing!
My bad I forgot about the pics. Look at your trichs with a scope, I bet there's more brown than you think. I've never stored long term with the sugar leaves on either. But I would think that would effect flavor over buzz.

I totally agree with this. I was a bit surprised by how much leaf material was still on them. It might even effect buzz a good bit with the way leaf trichomes usually mature faster.

I like mine fresh. Dry it and smoke it. It's super smooth and all the terpenes are still there for max flavor. I think that weed grown well doesn't need a "cure". If I sure it for a long time I don't think it gets better, I think it looses flavor. But thats just me, smoke it how YOU like it. :)

Happy growing!

I also totally agree with this :). Like I said at the top of the page, my buds NEVER last more then a couple months. Either I smoke them or my friends want it as soon as its ready.
I was a bit surprised by how much leaf material was still on them.
If he is smoking the leaves it's gonna make it taste harsh for sure. I personally hate smoking the sugar leaves, they burn really fast and hot. I just knock them all off and kief them out really gentle.

I also totally agree with this :). Like I said at the top of the page, my buds NEVER last more then a couple months. Either I smoke them or my friends want it as soon as its ready.
Agreed. Anytime you smell the weed it's the terpenes evaporating off, loss of content. Within a few months a lot of the flavor is gone and that makes me sad. I love it when the buds still have that maximum terpene content. It's like blasting fresh frozen material, you get so much terpene content it's amazing. Often waxes up and won't make shatter due to all the terpenes. All those terpenes are part of the entourage effect, loose those and it changes the buzz.
I totally agree with this. I was a bit surprised by how much leaf material was still on them. It might even effect buzz a good bit with the way leaf trichomes usually mature faster.

I also totally agree with this :). Like I said at the top of the page, my buds NEVER last more then a couple months. Either I smoke them or my friends want it as soon as its ready.

It very well may be the case. I have a half gallon jar of untrimmed buds to be extracted right now. But they smell much different than the same trimmed buds.
Less nose on the terps and more of a "weed" smell, like plain old classic pot smell. And I haven't cured like that, think it's worth looking into?
Hubby FINALLY cleaned out the "junk" room last week, and found a tin with about an oz in it that had been in there at least a couple of years. Normally I smoke mine pretty fresh, but I tried a little and got super stoned. It was a little harsh so I gave it away to a needy friend, but it definitely hadn't lost much potency.