What did you accomplish today?

I don't think volcanoes would bother me as much. I've seen documentaries on the Mount St Helens eruption. At least you get lots of warning and time to evacuate before it goes off. I don't recall having any natural disasters here. My basement flooded once... it was inconvenient.
Is it worth the risk.


The biggest myth of all is that the citizens of Pompeii never knew the blast was coming. They did. And many had already evacuated.

Mornin all. Trying to decide which of the things on my to do list I should accomplish today. Hanging the nugs and putting the trim on my drying rack won't take long, so that's a given. The FJ is still on jack stands waiting for me to finish the brakes, I have been able to ignore it so far but I need to suck it up and do it before we get in the 100 degree plus temps. Daytona and NHRA drags this weekend. Had my first bowl of blackberries and peaches on vanilla ice cream yesterday, it is officially summer now. I need to list my peaches and get some buyers lined up to get them out of here before they get too ripe.
Mornin all. Trying to decide which of the things on my to do list I should accomplish today. Hanging the nugs and putting the trim on my drying rack won't take long, so that's a given. The FJ is still on jack stands waiting for me to finish the brakes, I have been able to ignore it so far but I need to suck it up and do it before we get in the 100 degree plus temps. Daytona and NHRA drags this weekend. Had my first bowl of blackberries and peaches on vanilla ice cream yesterday, it is officially summer now. I need to list my peaches and get some buyers lined up to get them out of here before they get too ripe.
there is a small reservoir and feeder creek not far from the farm that is stuffed with blackberries. Last summer i was waste deep into a blackberry bush picking berries when I happend to look down to see a big steaming pile of bear sh*t. I slowely backed out of the thicket and that's when I remembered that strawberries were on sale at Costco this week.....
there is a small reservoir and feeder creek not far from the farm that is stuffed with blackberries. Last summer i was waste deep into a blackberry bush picking berries when I happend to look down to see a big steaming pile of bear sh*t. I slowely backed out of the thicket and that's when I remembered that strawberries were on sale at Costco this week.....
My daughter has thornless plants in her yard. She gave me a cane that broke off to root, I cut it into a few pieces and stuffed it into a bucket. I'm trying to figure out how I can grow them without them spreading everywhere.
there is a small reservoir and feeder creek not far from the farm that is stuffed with blackberries. Last summer i was waste deep into a blackberry bush picking berries when I happend to look down to see a big steaming pile of bear sh*t. I slowely backed out of the thicket and that's when I remembered that strawberries were on sale at Costco this week.....
sorry about that
Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th, and still have both eyes and all their fingers. Gotta play weddings ceremonies and cocktail hours tonight and tomorrow. Looks like we're breaking this rain and heat spell we've had recently tomorrow, gonna get into the 70s. My bike's in the shop as I somehow fucked up the back wheel and tire, I'm gonna pick it up on Sunday and take the world's longest bike ride. After a week stuck in the house with no human contact, it'll take me a minute to calibrate my social appropriateness for this wedding. I hope no one is offended in the process...
Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th, and still have both eyes and all their fingers. Gotta play weddings ceremonies and cocktail hours tonight and tomorrow. Looks like we're breaking this rain and heat spell we've had recently tomorrow, gonna get into the 70s. My bike's in the shop as I somehow fucked up the back wheel and tire, I'm gonna pick it up on Sunday and take the world's longest bike ride. After a week stuck in the house with no human contact, it'll take me a minute to calibrate my social appropriateness for this wedding. I hope everyone is offended in the process...

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th, and still have both eyes and all their fingers. Gotta play weddings ceremonies and cocktail hours tonight and tomorrow. Looks like we're breaking this rain and heat spell we've had recently tomorrow, gonna get into the 70s. My bike's in the shop as I somehow fucked up the back wheel and tire, I'm gonna pick it up on Sunday and take the world's longest bike ride. After a week stuck in the house with no human contact, it'll take me a minute to calibrate my social appropriateness for this wedding. I hope no one is offended in the process...
I recommend a visit to that married musician gal, sans hubby of course
Just replaced the water inlet valve on my dishwasher. Part was only $19.50 off Amazon and took maybe 15 minutes to swap out. I guess I could have called a repairman and paid $200 but that's not how I roll. I always try and fix things myself and 95% of the time I get it done. This took me maybe 5 minutes to pull out the dishwasher and find the leak. Googled the part number and found it on Amazon.

Here's the bad one that was leaking. I woke up to 1/2 inch of water on the kitchen floor the other morning. Probably woke up the neighbors with my cussing. Now off to pull weeds and spread bark dust around the flowers in the front yard. I have a dozen more chores on my list for today.
