Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors


Well-Known Member
Well Geez Surprise, He and Trump both are two peas in a pod. A minor's pod.

I am surprised Trump hasn't pardoned Madoff yet.

I wonder what they are doing and nobody is seeing yet ?

If you really like America then you don't like Trump, He is as Un-American as anyone can be.

But I ramble so there's that.
Watch Epstein get shanked in the MCC. Or beat to death like Whitey Bulger.


Well-Known Member
Well, in the end, it's the same exact charges.

SDNY is arguing that the deal Epstein made was with the SDFL, that SDNY ads not party to nor a signature of that deal.

This is going to be interesting to say the least.
States Rights!


Well-Known Member
Watch Epstein get shanked in the MCC. Or beat to death like Whitey Bulger.
really, you know how much they hate child molestors- surpasses cops'd save us lots of tax dollars.

after all why does Trumpy surround himself with plastic panels, now?


Well-Known Member
He'll cut a deal.

I'm thinking he does 18 months tops in a minimum security tennis club.
the only way there would be a deal is if he gave up others bigger than himself to who would fit that description?:lol:

club fed fail, mr. ostrich skin jacket manafort is sitting in solataire on rikers and not leaving anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
the only way there would be a deal is if he gave up others bigger than himself to who would fit that description?:lol:

club fed fail, mr. ostrich skin jacket manafort is sitting in solataire on rikers and not leaving anytime soon.
Except he isn't in Riker's at all. Try to keep up. I guess you missed it, therefore the MSM didn't want you to know - they hid it on the front page. It must not have been on
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Well-Known Member
Except he isn't in Riker's at all. Try to keep up. I guess you missed it, therefore the MSM didn't want you to know - they hid it on the front page.
No rich fuck ends up in a real shithole of a jail. Just like we’ll never send a President to jail. It won’t happen. Not even home confinement so dash your hopes on Trump Sr ever looking out between bars.


Well-Known Member
Just like we’ll never send a President to jail. It won’t happen. Not even home confinement so dash your hopes on Trump Sr ever looking out between bars.
Nixon would have if not for Ford. Hell, everybody else did from the Vice President to two attorneys general, the secretary of commerce, two white house counsel, the list goes on.

A great many of the Trump team face prison when this all comes out...IF the dems push hard while they have the power to do so.