What did you accomplish today?

I'm officially a member of the working class again. :o I wasn't looking for a job, it just kinda fell into my lap. I'll be a support agent for a cosmetics company website. It's only two hours per day, four days per week... no Fridays or weekends and I'll be working from home in my pajamas. It's minimum wage, which is more than what I was earning when I stopped working. Biggest bonus I get 40% off all cosmetics and perfumes now. I have to go for four hours training tomorrow to learn their commerce and inventory systems.
Subdued floral and citrus
I have seeds for that tree:
Mornin from the peach pit. This is feeling more like a job every day selling these. I need to do a quantity discount to get these the hell out of my house. Who'uda thunk one little tree could put out this much poundage. Can't complain much when a tree is picking up the beer tab though.View attachment 4362966

got some ripe ones on mine too......course it's only 3yrs old tree....
My parents house has a peach tree that is probably close to 20' tall & throws out fruit that never looks as good as yours - once I picked up a couple of pits & asked Dad how I would go about germinating them & he said (and I quote):

"The easiest way is to rear back & throw em as hard as you can into the woods, that damn tree is useless"
peach tree
Mine is a Redhaven peach. A friend picked it up for me because none of the big box stores carried that type. They are freestone and one of the best in my opinion. There are plenty of peach orchards around here, but they are all picked green so they last in the stores. These are not the best for canning, but the flavor and quantity of juice is outstanding. I had someone buying quantities and making smoothies out of them.
Mornin from the peach pit. This is feeling more like a job every day selling these. I need to do a quantity discount to get these the hell out of my house. Who'uda thunk one little tree could put out this much poundage. Can't complain much when a tree is picking up the beer tab though.View attachment 4362966
I'll be there soon homie....but your gonna have to take some of these oranges that my tree produces this winter..