Rolling Papers Q:

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
For those who smoke joints.
Why does the exact same weed burn great in one paper and not in another? What's with that guy n gals? Anyone else ever notice that.
One joint gives pure white ash...nice. The same weed in another brand and style of High quality rolling paper and it does not burn white.
What do you guys know?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Imo ....obviously the rolling paper itself makes a huge difference in the end quality and smokabilty of the end result joint. This is starting to become quite apparent to me throught actual results of experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Imo ....obviously the rolling paper itself makes a huge difference in the end quality and smokabilty of the end result joint. This is starting to become quite apparent to me throught actual results of experimenting.
Thickness of paper..rice? Hemp? Paper? Many factors I would assume


Well-Known Member
Imo ....obviously the rolling paper itself makes a huge difference in the end quality and smokabilty of the end result joint. This is starting to become quite apparent to me throught actual results of experimenting.
When I was in my 20's I used Aquafuge (Macdonald Export - green pack). I knew of Zig-Zag but found them a bit pricey. One day this old German guy shows me why Zig-Zag is better. So he lit a paper of each brand and the leftover residue of the Aquafuge was exponentially greater than the residue of the Zig-Zag. I have only used Zig-Zag since then and get almost no runs in my joints. Although Zig-Zag is still pricey I found a place that sells them for 1/2 the price of everywhere else. I buy the whole box of 25 packs at a time. YMMV.


Well-Known Member
If both papers start out the same mass and one leaves more ash, the missing “ash” went up in smoke which would be inhaled. That old German guy might ought to have explained that.

Having said that, when I do roll that rare joint, it will be in ZigZag orange.


Well-Known Member
This is the question I've been asking myself for a while now. As far as I can tell, there are some terpenes that require a higher burn temperature than others, and if using a paper that is designed for a slow burn, that weed will burn black. I have a WIFI that has a strong citrus/pine/gas smell (and has resin streaks that go the whole length of the joint after the first couple puffs, and sticks to your fingers to the point of annoyance even when dried and cured properly) that you can smell down the block around the corner that will burn black if rolled with anything other that zigzag blue or yellow, but everything else grown in the same bed will burn fine in pure hemps.

I never encountered this problem until I started my journey into no till organics, my weed was never as sticky and terpene rich when using a variety of chem fertilizers. It doesn't taste dirty, but definitely doesn't burn a white as a flushed chem product.


Well-Known Member
This is the question I've been asking myself for a while now. As far as I can tell, there are some terpenes that require a higher burn temperature than others, and if using a paper that is designed for a slow burn, that weed will burn black. I have a WIFI that has a strong citrus/pine/gas smell (and has resin streaks that go the whole length of the joint after the first couple puffs, and sticks to your fingers to the point of annoyance even when dried and cured properly) that you can smell down the block around the corner that will burn black if rolled with anything other that zigzag blue or yellow, but everything else grown in the same bed will burn fine in pure hemps.

I never encountered this problem until I started my journey into no till organics, my weed was never as sticky and terpene rich when using a variety of chem fertilizers. It doesn't taste dirty, but definitely doesn't burn a white as a flushed chem product.
Mine does, always!


Well-Known Member
This is happening to me now also after having a case(xmas gift) of regular JOB 1.25 papers for 2 years and now switching to RAW 1.25 papers. Joints only burn down to about 40% left with these RAWs. I won't be buying RAW brand anymore even though they do taste better then the JOBs. Guess next I'll buy some French light JOBs next, they were always a favorite to me.


Well-Known Member
Ive always used white zigzags......they dont fuck up the taste of yer herb or shmea... The raw?....I dont like them much myself, Ive tried many,,,,always come back to Zigs


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of cellulose papers. They were cool when they first came out, they dont stick as well as normal papers unless you really wet them.


Well-Known Member
Mine does, always!
I'm hoping I get there as the overall quality is the best I've grown. I'm hoping it was just the fact that I amended to the heavy number of the initial recipe and will work itself out. This will be the 4th grow in that soil and the second since I broke up my pots and put the soil in beds, so I guess it's still young yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping I get there as the overall quality is the best I've grown. I'm hoping it was just the fact that I amended to the heavy number of the initial recipe and will work itself out. This will be the 4th grow in that soil and the second since I broke up my pots and put the soil in beds, so I guess it's still young yet.
Never tried for white ash but among friends my herb seems famous for white, nothing ash. Recycled living organic for years. I don’t go really heavy on nutes in mix.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
This is all quite interesting.
So as I was saying, same weed, two different papers. A completely different result. So it must be the paper right?
One paper burns the weed to a white ash the other more grayish black.
I noticed this a few years back at a buddies. At his place his weed burned issues and very enjoyable. Then I take a few of his buds home and use a Raw unrefined paper and it did not burn as well. This happened almost every time I went there. He was using a thicker paper.
So somebody says to me the other day that some of my weed didn't burn right. That alarmed me. Thought I'd check.
Rolled one in a Juicy Jays paper. Burned great....really nice actually. Then I thought I use one of the Raw papers. I'd stopped using them actually in favor of the flavored Jay's papers. The joint didn't burn nearly as well. He was right.
Yet in the thicker issues at all. VERY white.
So what's going on here?
I feel the thinner paper does not allow enough heat build up to combust the material properly. Keeps the material too cool to burn properly.
So I tried this with some of my own weed and some from another guy. EXACT same result. Fuckin smoked a number of joint that
Too me it seems to be a heat thing. Thicker paper...more heat...better burn. Thinner paper...less heat...poorer burn.
The thinner raw paper joint sorta sucked. Yes it burned but rather darkisk. Yes it smoked. But not ideal in other words.
Otherwise how can it be explained that the exact same weed burns well one way and not another. THe only difference was the rolling paper used.
Gotta be a heat thing. I feel that if not enough heat is used the joint doesn't get hot enough to burn.
Look at how the cigarette manufacturers do it. Thicker paper. I bet they know something.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
This is the question I've been asking myself for a while now. As far as I can tell, there are some terpenes that require a higher burn temperature than others, and if using a paper that is designed for a slow burn, that weed will burn black. I have a WIFI that has a strong citrus/pine/gas smell (and has resin streaks that go the whole length of the joint after the first couple puffs, and sticks to your fingers to the point of annoyance even when dried and cured properly) that you can smell down the block around the corner that will burn black if rolled with anything other that zigzag blue or yellow, but everything else grown in the same bed will burn fine in pure hemps.

I never encountered this problem until I started my journey into no till organics, my weed was never as sticky and terpene rich when using a variety of chem fertilizers. It doesn't taste dirty, but definitely doesn't burn a white as a flushed chem product.
I feel your onto something...heat....gotta be hot to burn right.
I've seen this in ash. Half burned. I say it's because the only heat is usually the lighter itself.
Folks blast the bowl with their lighter and flame the weed. But it's usually only one hit and then they re-light it. Hence it never really burns on it's own. Not sure if that makes sense in my explanation.
I need a new brain...................................................from curry's


Well-Known Member
This is all quite interesting.
So as I was saying, same weed, two different papers. A completely different result. So it must be the paper right?
One paper burns the weed to a white ash the other more grayish black.
I noticed this a few years back at a buddies. At his place his weed burned issues and very enjoyable. Then I take a few of his buds home and use a Raw unrefined paper and it did not burn as well. This happened almost every time I went there. He was using a thicker paper.
So somebody says to me the other day that some of my weed didn't burn right. That alarmed me. Thought I'd check.
Rolled one in a Juicy Jays paper. Burned great....really nice actually. Then I thought I use one of the Raw papers. I'd stopped using them actually in favor of the flavored Jay's papers. The joint didn't burn nearly as well. He was right.
Yet in the thicker issues at all. VERY white.
So what's going on here?
I feel the thinner paper does not allow enough heat build up to combust the material properly. Keeps the material too cool to burn properly.
So I tried this with some of my own weed and some from another guy. EXACT same result. Fuckin smoked a number of joint that
Too me it seems to be a heat thing. Thicker paper...more heat...better burn. Thinner paper...less heat...poorer burn.
The thinner raw paper joint sorta sucked. Yes it burned but rather darkisk. Yes it smoked. But not ideal in other words.
Otherwise how can it be explained that the exact same weed burns well one way and not another. THe only difference was the rolling paper used.
Gotta be a heat thing. I feel that if not enough heat is used the joint doesn't get hot enough to burn.
Look at how the cigarette manufacturers do it. Thicker paper. I bet they know something.
I've come to the exact same conclusion, it's all about the burn temp. I've found that the stickier/greasier the weed, the more profound the difference. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe it's the combustion temp of the essential oils and terpenes coupled with the amount of them.

I also notice with the thinner paper that my buds burn grey and up inside the paper, almost like the paper is choking the weed out, but the thicker Ziggy blues...burns really well, tastes much better and I get noticeably higher.

...and fuck RAW papers. Hands down the last paper I'd buy, and I'd drive an hour or two if I though I could get some loose leaf paper and some scotch tape instead.
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