Oh, OK
Illustrates the bullshit very well
Neoliberals demand a point by point, dollar by dollar explanation of how Sanders plans to pass and pay for Medicare for All, but when questioned about the symptoms that led to Donald Trump getting elected, all you have to offer is "hard work and dedication", in meme form.. And it gets liked from the other equally idiotic detractors themselves..
You ignore everything you don't want to acknowledge so wasting a lot of time with your stupid questions gets boring, so yeah I would rather laugh while looking for a meme that says the same basic thing.
you said:
HOW do you do any of those things? All you did was layout some fabricated solution without establishing a process
to my saying
"By not letting people get away with lying and calling them out if they do. By becoming more intelligent as a whole. By not letting online hate troll-bots dumb down every conversation with insults and propaganda."
I think that meme was very direct in answering your question. Learning is difficult, you need to crack a book, pull out pen and paper and work through complex problems from time to time to work those mental muscles. People love to tell people they need to work out more, but very rarely will people say they should do math/economics/statistics a hour or two a day.
Edit: Alsoto push back by getting online reading the garbage trolls post, looking up actual facts on it to see where the bullshit is and collecting all of those facts and using actual information (that is complete and not just purposefully leaving out information relevant to what your talking about) to come up with your own perspective on the situation.