To hear what this wanna be has to say is PRICELESS!


Well-Known Member
"The higher prices are not out of line with the StatsCannabis data since online retailers would have higher overhead costs than other illegal sources," the agency said.
Total joke. If they allowed a free market prices would fall and go lower than the black market due to scale. The problem is the governments (provincial and federal) have setup a monopolistic system. How come Bloomberg doesn't do some actual reporting and talk about how the market that was created is way too highly regulated on purpose so as to limit competition?

They even called Stats Canada "StatsCannabis"... LOL.


Well-Known Member
they just don't get it and refuse to look at our side. they think if they ram it down our throats, we will buy but what they don't get is they have to be better than our current source in quality and price in order for us to even look that way...and then safety and LP products aren't safe in my opinion so there's that too

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
they just don't get it and refuse to look at our side. they think if they ram it down our throats, we will buy but what they don't get is they have to be better than our current source in quality and price in order for us to even look that way...and then safety and LP products aren't safe in my opinion so there's that too
There a lot more than price and quality to NOT buy gov weed. How about some principles as well.
We don't buy jailer or ever.
They blew it for me 60 years ago with their prison hand.'s working.