What did you accomplish today?

Cut most of the Napali Pink today, left some lower branches to mature a little more. I'll get some pics up in a bit. My son offered to trim them for me, he has a little OCD so I'm fine accepting the help. I think there's about a pound, possibly 8 Oz, I'll find out in about a week. Strawberry Cheesecake smokes smooth, just tried it in my bong last night, I'll do a review after I smoke a joint tonight.
Cut most of the Napali Pink today, left some lower branches to mature a little more. I'll get some pics up in a bit. My son offered to trim them for me, he has a little OCD so I'm fine accepting the help. I think there's about a pound, possibly 8 Oz, I'll find out in about a week. Strawberry Cheesecake smokes smooth, just tried it in my bong last night, I'll do a review after I smoke a joint tonight.
I'm chopping a GG#4 S2 (#1 of 4). Have to wash my hair and get to the ball game. So only one comes down today :D
If we were to go to a music destination I think it would have to be Austin. Lots of diversity. Wife would love Nashville though.

if you come to Austin, get there in time for the SXSW festival....but you have to get your wrist bans early...that's the only way to get in....pay a little more for the bans and you can get into just about every show that's going on....killer festival overall...
howdy everyone......well my weekend was kinda shitty......but it went well overall...saw a few family member that i hadn't seen in a few years. They asked me when i'm coming to Houston to visit them.....with my work schedual...eh who knows....like to hit they're farm in La grange though......50acres and 2 stock ponds full of bass.....

Welp it's gonna be 97F today heat index to the 105 and 108 today......everything got they're morning watering and inspection....
Finished trimming the Napali Pink, other than the lower branches I'm letting mature more. Buds are nowhere near as dense as the Straw. Cheez. The cola's are impressive looking though. The smell wasn't that strong coming from it either. Guess I'll find out how it smokes in about a week. I have no guess as to the finish weight now. I need to clean up the room and get the clones into it to flower out.
Peaches are almost gone, I have one person supposed to come get some tomorrow, how the hell much is a lug?
I did my first shift on the new "job" today. Nobody wanted to talk to me so I watched youtube videos. :confused: This is going to be easier than I thought.

It seems as though you've found a sinecure. I've always targeted those when I needed to be in the work force. Kudos...


noun: sinecure; plural noun: sinecures

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.

"political sinecures for the supporters of ministers"
synonyms: easy job, soft option;
informal cushy number, money for old rope, money for jam, picnic, doddle, walk in the park, cinch, gravy train;
informal bludge
"Connie's job was a sinecure that could be done by anyone"
It seems as though you've found a sinecure. I've always targeted those when I needed to be in the work force. Kudos...


noun: sinecure; plural noun: sinecures

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.

"political sinecures for the supporters of ministers"
synonyms: easy job, soft option;
informal cushy number, money for old rope, money for jam, picnic, doddle, walk in the park, cinch, gravy train;
informal bludge
"Connie's job was a sinecure that could be done by anyone"

I've been calling it my pin monkey job. Having a pulse and being able to read and write were the only requirements. I feel a little guilty taking money for nothing, if I was in an office I would dust and clean or do something. Here if nobody is chatting there's absolutely nothing to do.

The description I found was a flat box...a lot of good that did me.

Thanks to that link I now know the weight of the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.