What's the most important thing you've leaned through trial and error?


I ask this because growing is a fun way to experiment. On my first grow, I convinced myself that measuring pH wasn't "that important".

on my second grow, I did decide to adjust pH, thinking I could "prove it isn't that important", and I admit... I was wrong (lol obv).

My plants are growing much faster now that I've been more careful about testing pH, and they look very healthy now that they are getting the right pH.

In hindsight I regret skipping this step last time. I still got decent bud, but I'm sure it would have been a significantly higher yeild had I not been dousing them with tap water with a pH around 8 their whole lives.

I love reading the threads and hearing others talk about first hand experience with trying new things.

What was your biggest discovery via trial and error? Dumb mistakes are the best teachers!
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Perfecting it?

That's my nagging worry. I have only done outdoor grows, and I worry my knack of overlooking details is going to be a challenge when I move things inside.
Perfecting it is largely equipment base. What I’m talking about is understanding the importance of environment and how it applies to cannabis health, the understanding of what happens when environmental elements are ignored.
Agree with a lot of what has been already said. Constant airflow and exchanging air are critical and a huge role in plant health. Doing dwc this grow for the first time and this has opened my eyes to the importance of proper ph as stated above. Also growing dwc gives me a good idea how much to water my soil grows As the sight glass on my dwc buckets shows me how much they have drank. I think we all get better each and every grow. 20190720_175158.jpg
For me it’s been the learning process of working with living soil. From ruining it, making hot batches, weak batches, not nurturing microbes... to feeding the soil a healthy balance, and knowing what works and why.
Too low temps can be just as bad as too high... Agree about the airflow thing too, and harvesting too early, and tap water, although mine is luckily 7 out of the tap...