Having Some Problems


Well-Known Member
Hi there everybody :mrgreen:
im new to the forum and fairly new to growing but iv spent countless
hours researching how, what, when and why when it come to Marijuana
and eventually built my grow room with enough confidence to get started.
I hav a Mango Skunk plant growing at the moment and its about 15cm
tall, still in veg state. im using a 300w halogen lamp and 2x cool white 15w bubls just to give it some extra light and more of the blue spectrum for while its in the veg stage. The problem im having is the lowest leaves are
really yellowing quite allot and look to be falling away, also on random parts of the more higher leaves there are dark patches appearing on the tips of the leaves as well as little white/silver spots? the spots, acording to research could be the cause of insets like mites or white flys but y plants completely insects and pest free...as for fungus free...well im hoping some one could help me out with that?
please take a look at the pics, the white/silver dots cant really be seen unless ur looking close enough with the eye. sorry if some are a bit blurry.
Thanx allot. Jah Bless :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
wow, 28 views and no help yet? :peace:
the 2 bottom single blade leaves i pruned off and
she seems to be responding well, the top node has
expanded more since then and the leaf set just bellow that
has grown allot since, on the down side though the white/silver
spots seem to be getting more frequent and iv still got a darkning
of the new leaf tips happening? what could that be :-?


Well-Known Member
halogen lamps are a no no. invest in some cfl bulbs or a hps ideally,
What sort of soil are you using?
How often do you water? (always let top inch of soil dry out before next watering)
are you using nutrients?
How old are your plants?


Well-Known Member
plant looks fine to me m8
pic 2 could be a little bit of nute splash
as for your lighting i would get rid of the halogen
straight away as you will get alot of stretching as they get so hot
plus they are in the wring spectrum for your plants


Well-Known Member
at the moment its the only light i got, except the small cool whites. wish i could afford a new one, really wanna get a hps so hopefully soon =)
im using an organic soil mix with miraclegrow fertz, i do use
nutes but at least less than half the regular dosage and only
once every 3days or so, she germinated outside and was
about 2to3 weaks when i took her inside and now shes about
a month or so. i know halogens a bitch to use but its been
working and with my fan i can keep temps at a good level
wit no hot pockets. Thanx Guys!!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
shouldnt, i dont until the plant shows me signs that it needs nutes/ferts. cause the soil is already pre-nuted!


Well-Known Member
makes perfect sense, ok ill stop with the nutes and just
water from now on, i water slightly when lights come on
and allot more when they go off ever second day, soil
is usually dry on top few inches before i water, i also
mist her at leat 5times a day to keep cool and prevent
bugs and unwanted bacteria from geting on the leaves,
is this ok to do?


Well-Known Member
well i jsut usually use FF big bloom during the end of Veg and the Tiger bloom for flower like once a week! and yea misting is great, jsut keep the mist awway from the lights!


Well-Known Member
yeah fully, im precausious when it comes to
the water on the light thing so no worries.
awesome, bt is it kwl to use any organic
nute at end of veg and then just
a low Nitro- high Potassium nute in flowering?


Well-Known Member
well FF nutes are supposably organic but i dont think so 100 percent but im happy with thier products and yea add it durning the end of veg but than youll want a high nitrogen for flowering

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
i also
mist her at leat 5times a day to keep cool and prevent
bugs and unwanted bacteria from geting on the leaves,
is this ok to do?
Unless you have a specific problem that requires misting a plant I would not recommend it. Misting is for new clones only unless you are foliar feeding. If you need to mist the plants to keep it from burning up under that halogen lamp you should remove the lamp and replace with a couple cfls. Ther are very cheap and more plant friendly. I think the plant looks generally healthy. Good luck with your grow.