Mueller Testifying 7/17/19- What question are you looking forward to?

Are you interested in more clarity from Mueller's testimony to congress?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Who is Joseph Mifsud? Answer that and the entire legitimacy of the investigation will be fully understood. No worries, answer is coming. Describing this as a train wreck is being far too kind.


Well-Known Member
"I would say that there was a wide range of witnesses that went from not telling the whole truth to just outright lying." - Robert Mueller


Well-Known Member
It's astounding the questions that Republicans are asking that have nothing at all to do with the Mueller report. It's as if the entire administration has absolutely no idea what they're doing.

Oh wait...


Well-Known Member
He is woefully unprepared and possibly not lucid at this point, needing everything repeated just so he can not provide an answer, even to dems!


Well-Known Member
Nice to know you can just say “I’m not going to answer that”, when asked inconvenient questions by Congress. Lmao