How much for a pound near you?

Ive been paying 500 a quap 1600 a p on flower lately but it seems like those beautiful microgrow buds or those plants your neighbor took time and effort to train and care for months are non existent on the market anymore. The cares just not there sure the strain names and colors look and sound pretty but when it comes down to it ive been really unimpressed with the bulk of most the flower ive gotten from outta state.
Im also upstate ny near the fingerlakes
Omg i cant wait for those prices.

I feel like thats likely gonna be where prices settle at here, and most places, once we have dispensaries up.

Also since concentrates don't rot and can last for a very long time the supply will continue to increase and price will get cheaper.
In the magical land of Oz you can get $4500 if you have some serious fire.
Average indoor and quality outdoor $3500
Bush weed $1000-$2000
I’ve even heard stories of people paying $5500 but there just stories never met anyone personally
I just grow for personal use
$1100 for A $1250 for AA $1375 for AAA you wouldn't even be able to sell decent B grade I have know idea what it would sell for haven't seen or heard of it since legalization, and by B grade I mean decent dope not swag.
$20.00 a gram x 28 grams = $560 x 160z $us8960 Retail and you may wonder why I'm against legalization

you buy more than a pound I'll give you 35% off plus 40% for cash(euros prefered)
And how long is your stay as a 'guest of the state' if you're caught?