I've been growing a while but recently came into possession of an extra light. I have 24/0 tents, 12/12 tents and occasionally will turn the 24/0 to 16/8 in order to get the plants to show sex, some of them get quite large under 24/0 without showing. I wanted to save some power and see if it get some of "the stretch" out my plants before flowering so i put them under a 13 hour on light cycle. Ive done this before i ended up harvesting after moving to my 12/12 after only 50 days which was great. They seem to flowering a lot more than expected though. Ive been cutting it back to get a solid canopy going before moving to my flowering tent but im not sure how o should proceed now as it seems to be ready do to go but idk if i should top it again, if it going to stretch. Top and move to 12/12?