Should some guns be confiscated and banned?

Take some guns away?

  • Yes

  • No

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Racist much? lol and how do you figure that? I have my degree, but I know plenty of successful people that never went to college that are some of the most successful people around here. You sir are a joke
You uneducated whites will never keep up,ever
Yea go to Mexico first pusssy you don’t know shit ur a lil boy that doesn’t know shit so don’t even talk about badiraguato cuz ur ass has never been there so ur fake
You’re disrespecting a veteran who was keeping guard less than a mile from where they pulled sadam hussein out of his hiding hole you dumb white
Yea go to Mexico first pusssy you don’t know shit ur a lil boy that doesn’t know shit so don’t even talk about badiraguato cuz ur ass has never been there so ur fake
You can't even spell Badiriguato or understand a very simple phrase like nunca visite. You got caught peckerwood.