Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Hello StinkBud & Co,

I'm so glad this thread is still going still and still spreads the love. I've been reading this thread for good 3 weeks by now. Lots of useful info but most importantly I was blown away by the good spirits and the attitude towards less experienced growers. I think I've grasped the main principles of Aero grow but there are still gray areas remaining. I've never grown anything in my life (fourth generation city boy).

Before I start firing questions I'd like to ask you if there is any space for one more student? My grow room (somewhere in Eastern Europe) is being constructed as I type, seeds and equipment ordered. I can assure you will not be wasting your time.

Wow! Eastern Europe is a little unexpected. Good luck with your gro bro!
I'm struggling to find repeat cycle timers in Europe. Could you please have a look if this thing will do the trick? Thanks
If you want a recycle timer that has shorter time intervals... they are not easy to find in 220 V.
I just bought a few with 96 pins (1 pin=15 minutes) and adjusted them. There are several tutorials on YouTube, and I also explained it somewhere on this forum. Don't know where you live in Eastern Europe, but I saw similar ones in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Is there a reason he cant use a standard digital timer?
set up to 7 times a day for as little as 1min. Available on amazon or ebay
If you want a recycle timer that has shorter time intervals... they are not easy to find in 220 V.
I just bought a few with 96 pins (1 pin=15 minutes) and adjusted them. There are several tutorials on YouTube, and I also explained it somewhere on this forum. Don't know where you live in Eastern Europe, but I saw similar ones in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Cant see a double plug causing it any issues at all. Even the cheapest segment timer can take 2,500w easy. The adjustment has only been made to the timer section. Happy growing buddy
The timer is actually not that big of a deal. I've even seen people use those cheap 15on/15off timers. The roots won't dry out in 15 minutes. It takes a couple of hours if not more. Now I'm not saying it's better than a 1on/4off but it's better than nothing.

Glad you replied. Will you be able to dedicate some time for spreading the love to the Eastern Europe? We are miles behind in Cannabis culture not even talking about legal status. I'm struggling to find repeat cycle timers in Europe. Could you please have a look if this thing will do the trick? Thanks
A cool room makes everything so much nicer. My current room was getting a little hot the last few weeks. I have A/C but it's at the other side of the house! My living room and kitchen will be freezing fucking cold while the rest of the rooms feel like a sauna! I finally broke down and bought another A/C unit. I like my bedroom so cold that ice-sickles form on the tip of my nose.

I have been using megacrop with good results for almost a year now. my res are on the concrete floor so heat isn't too much of an issue haven't needed the hydroguad at all but pondzeme works and I will use that if the temps get high.
I visited your site. Nice!
Will you also add things like flowertime and how much yield can be expected indoors/outdoors?
Yea, I'll be adding flower time. I'll also be adding a genetics tree for every strain plus a lot more photos too. I'm not sure about adding yield just because veg time decides final yield. If you veg a plant for 6 months in 100 gallon pots you're going to harvest a lot more than a little plants in 3 gallon pots.
I ran a WW pheno for over 4 years, its an awesome flavor and great high! I'm looking forward to getting it back in my garden eventually.
Right now i'm in love with durban poison.. but WW should be fun. have some GG4 starting right now also, it seems everyone is growing that.