Autoflower Pollinated By Regular


New Member
So.. I've been growing outside for a while now (off and on for 30 years. more lately), and propagating my own seeds every year for next years batch. This year I bought and planted 4 feminized autoflower seeds of various strains and kept them with my regular grow. All my regular plants are mutt hybrids and I didn't know what strain they were when i got the seeds and they really are a mixed bag at this point lol, more like "bush" weed now.

So I had a male plant for seeding that I thought was far enough away doing its job with my "seed" plants for next year, but some pollen made its way to my autoflowers and after trimming my four plants last night, it looks like about 125 nice fat seeds were produced.

I've done some searching but cant find a definitive answer.

Will any of these new seeds be autoflowers as well?
I remember reading this on another forum, I think the seeds will have a 1/16 chance of being auto, then if you find auto seed grow it out and breed it the next lot will be 1/8 chance of being auto and so on untill you get auto seeds
Thanks .. so MattyMatt.. so by that logic... no autoflowers for me!!
No, but if you get a M and F from those seeds and they make seeds they will have a % of autos. Than same thing with M and F of that gen having seeds. Worth letting them make seeds till they have auto trait and see what you get since you can go outside. Either way seeds are still usable just not autos yet.
Oh I see.. Thats alot of growing. I have ordered some regular (M/F) autoflower seeds.. (bubba cheese), so if I let those go to seed, the seeds from them will all be autoflower.. is that right??
Yes. 2 autos M/F produce F seeds.
M/F seeds will produce m/f seeds... in order to create F seeds you need to have ONLY female genetics in play, so like 2 females and reverse 1 to have male pollen sacs, then you will have 100% female seeds, I do this quite often as I hate having to reorder seeds
M/F seeds will produce m/f seeds... in order to create F seeds you need to have ONLY female genetics in play, so like 2 females and reverse 1 to have male pollen sacs, then you will have 100% female seeds, I do this quite often as I hate having to reorder seeds
Well i should've noted that they will not be all F but he probably knows what i meant. Good correction though and anything to help on his quest is welcomed I'll bet.
So.. I've been growing outside for a while now (off and on for 30 years. more lately), and propagating my own seeds every year for next years batch. This year I bought and planted 4 feminized autoflower seeds of various strains and kept them with my regular grow. All my regular plants are mutt hybrids and I didn't know what strain they were when i got the seeds and they really are a mixed bag at this point lol, more like "bush" weed now.

So I had a male plant for seeding that I thought was far enough away doing its job with my "seed" plants for next year, but some pollen made its way to my autoflowers and after trimming my four plants last night, it looks like about 125 nice fat seeds were produced.

I've done some searching but cant find a definitive answer.

Will any of these new seeds be autoflowers as well?
Hey Prospector..
Sorry, I'm late to the game for your answer, but just in clarify for you..

Assuming you didn't have a Hermie..That means the photo period male provided the pollen for the 125 seeds..thus those seeds will all be Heterozygous for Autoflower..Say "Aa"..and regular seeds (not feminized)..Autoflowering is a recessive trait.

Now let's say you are going to grow a few of these seeds out and breed them with the intention of creating more auto-flowers. You need an extra generation. Plant a few of those 125 seeds with the intention of getting one decent male and one decent female (at a minimum)...Once you breed create a new line of seeds. (2nd gen)...approx 25% of which will be Autoflower..."aa" your intent is to create a new true breeding Autoflower will need to cross a male and a female Autoflower that you have identified from this second generation of seed to get true breeding auto-flower.

If by chance, all you get are female Autoflowers in this run you can spray a branch on the plant (just before it flowers) with colloidal silver and make some
Feminized seed.
