Exposure to this is important, will induce high femaleage!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know when banana's begin to produce and release ethylene? How long is this gas present around the banana? It would be very good to expose seeds to this gas, including the seedling and during early veg phases.



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know when banana's begin to produce and release ethylene? How long is this gas present around the banana? It would be very good to expose seeds to this gas, including the seedling and during early veg phases.

I'm smoking that shit too man.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
That is unproven, and unlikely. Ethylene is already in extensive use in the agricultural industry as a growth regulator to hasten blossoming/fruiting by mimicking plant stress and causing blossom abortion.

If you wanted to experiment with ethylene you can simply buy some, instead of having your grow room smell like rotten bananas (which at that stage probably don't give off much ethylene anyway).

Florel(r) brand Growth Regulator, Information, Monterey Lawn and Garden


Well-Known Member
I heard that if a cloned female hermies, and pollinates itself, it produces mostly female seeds...Dont know how true that is..probably bullshit


Well-Known Member
OMG lol, we are talking about bananas and ethylene here, not buying ethylene, not cloning and such. I've tried the banana technique and it worked wonders for me, just need the time of release and rough duration... Does it start when the banana begins to rot or right from the ghetto? I am using natural methods only, not extracted ethylene or whatev..


Well-Known Member
OMG lol, we are talking about bananas and ethylene here, not buying ethylene, not cloning and such. I've tried the banana technique and it worked wonders for me, just need the time of release and rough duration... Does it start when the banana begins to rot or right from the ghetto? I am using natural methods only, not extracted ethylene or whatev..
it's produced as the banana rots, but not at the later stages. i think it's about a two week process.

ethylene is used to kill flower sets to bring on another harvest of garden vegetable plants, like the tomato, bell pepper, squash, and cucumber. not so much beneficial for pot, especially since the rotting banana will attract white flies and other pests....


Well-Known Member
gt, it's one of the NEW ideas out there for growing pot. the gas is used in horticulture, most especially vegetable farms (indoor greenhouse).

to my knowledge and understanding the gas is not going to benefit cannabis.


stays relevant.
yeah I know that some gases are beneficial, but is the gases produced by a banana in decomposition really benefiting anything?

i refuse to believe bananas are good for anything but: pudding, coffee flavour, ice cream, sundaes, etc.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know that some gases are beneficial, but is the gases produced by a banana in decomposition really benefiting anything?

i refuse to believe bananas are good for anything but: pudding, coffee flavour, ice cream, sundaes, etc.
good for tomatoes and other plants that give off two or three fruiting harvests.

pot is not a fruiting plant, doesn't produce two or three harvests. killing the flower sets on a pot plant is to kill all yield. there is no practical application to pot.

but yes, use of this gas is a normal thing for greenhouse vegetable farms.


Well-Known Member
good for tomatoes and other plants that give off two or three fruiting harvests.

pot is not a fruiting plant, doesn't produce two or three harvests. killing the flower sets on a pot plant is to kill all yield. there is no practical application to pot.

but yes, use of this gas is a normal thing for greenhouse vegetable farms.
There are possible applications in vegetation. Ethylene is shown to reduce branching, build thicker stems, and more robust root systems, among other things. Giant loli-pops come to mind.


Well-Known Member
nope just have a problem with the bullsh#t....:-)
For the human race to develop above the rock throwing, name calling monkeys we are today we need to learn how to learn. You should be a skeptic but you should also have an open mind, require proof of course, but keep an open mind...

Sex Expression in Cucumber Plants as Affected by2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid, Ethylene, and Growth Regulators
"It is apparent from these data that ethylene causes
a tendency toward femaleness
when applied at the first leaf stage.
The ethylene-treated plants, however, showed a general yellowing
and epinasty of the cotyledons. This effect was not observed in
plants treated with Ethrel unless the plants were enclosed in
plastic bags from which the excess ethylene could not escape.
Thus, the general effect of ethylene on plant growth probably
masked the more subtle effects on sex expression. For example,
at the lowest concentration used (100 ,A/liter) the influence of
ethylene on femaleness, as evidenced by the node of the first
flower, approached that obtained with Ethrel (Table II). However,
as the concentration of ethylene was increased, the effect on
femaleness was reduced."

Increase in femaleness of three cucurbits by treatment with Ethrel, an ethylene releasing compound
The application of Ethrel (2-chloroethane phosphonic acid), an ethylene-releasing compound, to monoecious cultivars of cucumber and squash and an andromonoecious cultivar of muskmelon, caused a shift towards femaleness in all three species."

"The varied effects of ethylene include: growth inhibition; growth promotion; root initiation; fruit degreening; flower initiation and prevention; modification of flower sex; fruit growth stimulation; fruit ripening; storage product hydrolysis; pigment synthesis promotion and inhibition; latex secretion promotion; modification of flavor; participation in expression of plant disease symptoms; promotion of leaf, flower, and fruit abscission and dehiscence; release of seed and bud dormancy; release of apical dominance. Additional effects of less apparent agricultural value include: modification of geotropic behavior; tissue proliferation and formative growth; leaf epinasty; leaf movement inhibition; respiratory changes. In addition, CEPA, an ethylene substrate, has been shown to promote tillering and stem stiffness of small grains and modest yield increases of some crops. Ethylene is a natural regulator of some of these processes in addition to producing them when applied to the plant."

So, it is clear that ethylene CAN affect the sexual expression of some plants so while these studies do not specifically mention Cannabis it is at least plausible and most likely probable. The trick is in getting the amount and times right because using too much can actually damage the plants.


Well-Known Member
oh man what a waste of a post.
i am well aware of its uses in horticulture.
but don't you see the smiley,it was a facetious dig at an unproven fact .man you just need to lighten up a tad....:-)